Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 43304
Exocrine glands of Schwarziana quadripunctata (Hymenoptera, Apinae, Meliponini)
This article describes the location, anatomy, histology and ontogeny of adult Schwarziana quadripunctata exocrine glands. These glands appear either as individualized organs (salivary gland system and Dufour gland) or as ...
Exocrine glands of Schwarziana quadripunctata (Hymenoptera, Apinae, Meliponini)
This article describes the location, anatomy, histology and ontogeny of adult Schwarziana quadripunctata exocrine glands. These glands appear either as individualized organs (salivary gland system and Dufour gland) or as ...
Polyisoprenylated benzophenones from Clusia floral resins
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2000)
Female Age Determines Remating Behavior in Wild Mexican Fruit Flies: Abraham et al.: Age Effects on Female Remating in A. ludens
(Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2016-05)
Male and female age are important factors that can influence mating and remating behavior. Females can discriminate against or prefer older males, but there have been relatively fewer studies on how female and male age ...
Females sequential mating decisions depend on both the quality of the courting male and the quality of the potential mates in a blood-sucking bug
(Springer, 2018-09)
This study investigates whether female sequential decisions on accepting or rejecting a courting male are based exclusively on the quality of the male present or are affected by the quality of potential mates. We used ...
Show me you care: female mate choice based on egg attendance rather than male or territorial traits
(Oxford Univ Press Inc, 2020-07-01)
Female mate choice is often based on male traits, including signals or behaviors, and/or the quality of a male's territory. In species with obligate paternal care, where care directly affects offspring survival, females ...
Copulatory dialogue: female spiders sing during copulation to influence male genitalic movements
(Animal Behaviour, 2006, 72, 413-421, 2006)
Female behaviour during copulation that could function as communication with the male is probably more common than previously appreciated, but its functional significance remains little studied. Stridulation during copulation ...