Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 492
Development of JROMAG-M103 magnetometer for geomagnetism studies in Peru
(Instituto Geofísico del Perú, 2021-06)
Since 2007 a three-axis fluxgate magnetometer has been in development and under continuous improvement at Jicamarca Radio Observatory of the Geophysical Institute of Peru. It is based on the Fluxgate Mag-03 magnetic detector ...
Electric field and magnetometer observations of the equatorial electrojet: An IEEY program
(Instituto Geofísico del Perú, Radio Observatorio de Jicamarca, 1994)
As part of the IEEY program, a chain of magnetometers was deployed along the Peruvian sector crossing the equatorial electrojet. Simultaneous vertical drift measurements were made using Jicamarca's normal I.S. F-region ...
Performance of low frequency magnetometers to non-sinusoidal magnetic fields
(Elsevier, 2013-01)
This paper presents the second part of a research work dealing with the performance assessment of commercially available magnetometers. The aim of the article is to continue a comparative study of a magnetometer set, but ...
Description and Implementation of a Conventional Magnetometer KerrDescripción e implementación de un magnetómetro Kerr convencional
(Pereira : Universidad Tecnológica de PereiraFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2011)
Estimating daytime vertical ExB drift velocities in the equatorial F‐region using ground‐based magnetometer observations
(American Geophysical Union, 2002-06-28)
The daytime equatorial electrojet is a narrow band of enhanced eastward current flowing in the 100 to 120 km altitude region within ±2° latitude of the dip equator. A unique way of determining the daytime strength of the ...
Analysis of different kinds of Kerr magnetometers used for the study of electromagnetic materialsAnálisis de diferentes tipos de magnetómetros Kerr usados para el estudio de materiales magnéticos
(Pereira : Universidad Tecnológica de PereiraFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2011)
A tanget magnetometer to measure the earth magnetic field
(Revista Mexicana de Física, 2009)
Detection of magnetic moment in thin films with a home-made vibrating sample magnetometer
(Elsevier Science, 2018-06)
This paper explores the optimization of an array of pick-up coils in a home-made vibrating sample magnetometer for the detection of magnetic moment in thin films. Sensitivity function of a 4-coils Mallinson configuration ...