Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 695
Mechanical fragmentation and thermal erosion of dyke adjacent host rocks induced by fluid-dynamic shear stress and latent heat release in response to turbulent magma flow
We present a quantitative account of the thermodynamical and fluid-mechanical aspects of granitic host rock erosion related to dyke emplacement by considering the latent heat released from the dyke, subsequent thermal ...
Contrasting magmatic structures between small plutons and batholiths emplaced at shallow crustal level (Sierras de Córdoba, Argentina)
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2016-11)
Processes like injection, magma flow and differentiation and influence of the regional strain field are here described and contrasted to shed light on their role in the formation of small plutons and large batholiths their ...
Mezcla de magmas en el arco magmático Famatiniano del noroeste de Argentina: ejemplo en el complejo intrusivo Diablillos, Puna AustralMagma mixing on the Famatinian magmatic arc from northwest Argentina: Example in the Diablillos intrusive complex, southern Puna
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Centro de Geociencias, 2015-12)
En el borde oriental de la Puna Austral, sierra de Inca Viejo, noroeste de Argentina, aflora el complejo intrusivo Diablillos compuesto por rocas calcoalcalinas de arco representado por monzogranitos, granodioritas, tonalitas ...
Evolução Geoquímica E Petrogênese De Charnockitos Ígneos No Cinturão Móvel Costeiro Do Brasil
Rochas máficas e félsicas com hiperstênio são importantes componentes da zona de transição entre o cráton do São Francisco e o Cinturão Móvel Costeiro Neoproterozóico no extremo sul do Estado da Bahia. Os
charnockitóides ...
Magma Evolution at Copahue Volcano (Chile/Argentina border): evidence from Melt Inclusions
Copahue volcano is an active stratovolcano in the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ), straddling at the border between Central Chile and Argentina. The volcano's eruptive style during its history has changed from mainly ...
The composition of amphibole phenocrysts in Neogene mafic volcanic rocks from the Puna plateau: Insights on the evolution of hydrous back-arc magmas
(Elsevier Science, 2020-12-01)
In typical Andean arc magmas, amphibole appears as a phenocryst phase only after considerable differentiation. However, some near-primitive volcanic rocks (high-Mg andesites and basalts) from monogenetic centers in the ...
The temporal evolution of back-arc magmas from the Auca Mahuida shield volcano (Payenia Volcanic Province, Argentina)
(Elsevier Science, 2016-09)
In order to better constrain the temporal volcanic activity of the back-arc context in Payenia Volcanic Province (PVP, Argentina),we present newK?Ar dating, petrographic data,major and trace elements from23 samples collected ...
Volcanotectonics: the tectonics and physics of volcanoes and their eruption mechanics
The physical processes that operate within, and beneath, a volcano control the frequency, duration, location and size of volcanic eruptions. Volcanotectonics focuses on such processes, combining techniques, data, and ideas ...