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Body size and host range co-determine the altitudinal distribution of Neotropical tephritid flies
(Blackwell PublishingOxfordInglaterra, 2007)
Urban patterns in the biodiversity of metropolitan wetlands in the Metropolitan area of Concepcion
Urbanization of the Metropolitan region of Concepcion (36 degrees S) in the last decades has impacted on the ecological value of areas such as wetlands and lagoons. Here, we analyse the disturbance to biodiversity indicators ...
Urban patterns in the biodiversity of metropolitan wetlands in the Metropolitan area of CconcepcionPatrones de urbanización en la biodiversidad de humedales urbanos en Concepción metropolitano
(Revista de Geografia Norte Grande, 2015)
© 2015, Revista de Geografia Norte Grande. All rights reserved.Urbanization of the Metropolitan region of Concepción (36°S) in the last decades has impacted on the ecological value of areas such as wetlands and lagoons. ...