Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3110
Informe de diagnóstico de la calidad en la Empresa Oficinas y Modulares Ltda de la Ciudad de Pereira
The quality of the products in organizations is very important because it allows you to compete in international markets, as customers increasingly demand products with good quality. When companies begin to implement quality ...
Macroorganización estatal, instituciones y contraloríasState Macro-organization, institutions and control bodiesMacro-organização estatal, instituições e controladorias
(Universidad del Rosario, 2010)
This paper examines how the place of Colombia's supreme audit institutions -Contralorías- in the government' s macro-organization and the institutional design affects their performance. The theoretical ...
Particulate organic matter, carbohydrate, humic acid contents in soil macro- and microaggregates as affected by cultivation
(Elsevier Science, 2006-12)
Cultivation is known to strongly affect not only soil structure but also organic substances responsible for aggregation. This research was conducted to study the effect of cultivation on the distribution of soil macro- and ...
Central perspectiives and debates in organization theoryDebates e perspectivas centrais na teoria das organizações
(RAE - Revista de Administracao de EmpresasRAE - Revista de Administração de EmpresasRAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, 2005)
Soil aggregation, ecosystem engineers and the C cycle
(Gauthier-Villars/Editions Elsevier, 2020-05)
Soil aggregation and its effects on soil C storage have been addressed in thousands of research articles over the last 40 years. Research has been mostly focused on the resistance of aggregates to mechanical disruption and ...
Application of Mixture Design and Kohonen Neural Network for Determination of Macro- and Microelement in Mullet (Mugil cephalus) by MIP OES
(Springer, 2021-01-19)
In this study, the concentrations of macro- and microelement in different tissues (liver, gill, and muscle) of fish collected (Mugil cephalus) in Pontal Bay (Ilheus, Bahia) were determined. A simplex-centroid mixture design ...