Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 40
Probabilistic extension to the concurrent constraint factor oracle model for music improvisation
(Asociacion Espanola de Inteligencia Artificial, 2016-01-01)
We can program a Real-Time (RT) music improvisation system in C++ without a formal semantic or we can model it with process calculi such as the Non-deterministic Timed Concurrent Constraint (ntcc) calculus. “A Concurrent ...
NTCCRT: A concurrent constraint framework for soft real-time music interaction
(Asian Research Publishing Network, 2015-01-01)
Writing music interaction systems is not easy because their concurrent processes usually access shared resources in a non-deterministic order, often leading to unpredictable behavior. Using Pure Data (Pure Data) and Max/MSP, ...
NTCCRT: A concurrent constraint framework for soft-real time music interaction
(Asian Research Publication Network, 2015-12-10)
Writing music interaction systems is not easy because their concurrent processes usually access shared resources in a non-deterministic order, often leading to unpredictable behavior. Using Pure Data (Pure Data) and Max/MSP, ...
Application of Time-Frequency Transformations in Polarimetric Ultra-Wideband MIMO-GPR signals for Detection of Colombian Improvised Explosive Devices
Abstract. In this thesis, a new radar technique for GPR detection and discrimination of Improvised Explosive Devices is presented and validated. Data processing, consisting of adaptive filters and time-frequency ...
Mantenimiento preventivo de los activos de la Empresa INDUACERO Cía. Ltda. basado en planes de lubricación
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2022-12-22)
The objective of this technical project was to develop a preventive maintenance of the company assets INDUACERO CÍA. LTDA. It was based on lubrication plans, a company located in the Latacunga city. The physical assets ...
Development of virtual reality machines to support training in automation
(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2010-05-01)
Current market requirements in industrial sector have motivated the development and adoption of digital manufacturing software tools for control systems design, training, and process optimization to validate and ensure the ...
A Harmony Search Algorithm to Solve the Manufacturing Cell Design Problem
This paper focuses on modeling and solving the Manufacturing
Cell Design Problem (MCDP) by using the Harmony Search (HS)
metaheuristic. The MDCP consists on grouping machines and parts that
they process, into groups called ...
El laboratorio coreográfico. Entrenamiento y creación, dos instancias que se funden en una sola acción
Building for the scene implies not only the articulation of the materials created, from the freedom and fertility that guided improvisation offers for the dancers, but the gear of all the parts that make up the scenic, in ...
Procedimentos para manutenção de um trocador de calor do tipo casco e tubo
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCornelio ProcopioBrasilEngenharia MecânicaUTFPR, 2015)
Maintaining until recently was considered as a factor in costs and expenses. In the past, the best known aspects of maintenance were characterized as repetitive and routine services, pure spare parts, little technique, ...
Plan de mantenimiento de la casa de fuerza del Hospital de apoyo de la red Chepen
(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2018)