Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1732
Modeling of mycelial growth of parental, hybrid and reconstituted strains of Pleurotus and LentinulaModelamiento de crecimiento micelial de cepas parentales, híbridas y reconstituidas de pleurotus y lentinula
The kinetics of mycelial growth of parental strains, hybrid and reconstituted of Pleurotus and Lentinula was calculated using the mycelial growth diameter for (malt extract agar) MEA and for wheat grain was determinate ...
Mycelial biomass and biochemical properties of proteases produced by Lentinus citrinus DPUA 1535 (higher basidiomycetes) in submerged cultivation
(Begell House Inc, 2013-01-01)
The cultivation of Lentinus citrinus for mycelial biomass and protease production under different carbon and nitrogen sources was studied in submerged cultivation. The nutritional source concentration for protease production ...
Mycelial biomass and biochemical properties of proteases produced by Lentinus citrinus DPUA 1535 (Higher Basidiomycetes) in submerged cultivation
The cultivation of Lentinus citrinus for mycelial biomass and protease production under different carbon and nitrogen sources was studied in submerged cultivation. The nutritional source concentration for protease production ...
Use of mycelial-phase Sporothrix schenckii exoantigens in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for diagnosis of sporothricosis by antibody detection
(American Society for Microbiology, 2019)
Growth and antibacterial activity of Lentinula edodes in liquid media supplemented with agricultural wastes
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2005)
BLR-1 and BLR-2, key regulatory elements of photoconidiation and mycelial growth m Trichodenna atroviride
BLR-1 and BLR-2, key r-egulatory elements of photoconidiation and mycelial growth m Trichodenna atroviride
Germination and mycelial growth of Bipolaris euphorbiae Muchovej & Carvalho as influenced by herbicides and surfactants
(Soc Brasileira Microbiologia, 2002-10-01)
Bipolaris euphorbiae Muchovej & Carvalho can be combined with herbicide in order to control a I large spectrum of weed species, being a strong candidate for the biocontrol of Euphorbia heterophylla L. (milk weed). The ...
Germination and mycelial growth of Bipolaris euphorbiae Muchovej & Carvalho as influenced by herbicides and surfactants
Bipolaris euphorbiae Muchovej & Carvalho can be combined with herbicide in order to control a large spectrum of weed species, being a strong candidate for the biocontrol of Euphorbia heterophylla L. (milk weed). The fungus ...
(Interciencia, 2011-03-01)
The radial mycelial growth of Lentinula edodes (Berk) Pegler, strain LE-96/13, was studied in culture media prepared with organic residues extract, by using substrates prepared with pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merril) ...