Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 60
The landscape complexity relevance to farming effect assessment on small mammal occupancy in Argentinian farmlands
(Springer, 2019-11-05)
The responses of organisms to organic farming depend on the taxonomic group and landscape complexity. Following the intermediate landscape complexity hypothesis, organic farming can compensate for the lack of complexity ...
The costs of ignoring species detectability on functional diversity estimation
(American Ornithologists' Union, 2021-02)
Functional diversity (FD) approaches have been increasingly used to understand ecosystem functioning in bird communities. These approaches typically rely on the assumption that species are perfectly detected in the field, ...
Cliff outcrops used as condor communal roosts are local hotspots of occupancy and intense use by other bird species
(Elsevier, 2016-08-01)
Cliff outcrops are structural components of the environment that can maintain a large variety of wildlife; however, they are still rather overlooked in conservation planning. We evaluate whether cliffs used by the Andean ...
Effects of agroecosystem landscape complexity on small mammals: a multi-species approach at different spatial scales
(Springer, 2019-05)
The effect of landscape complexity on biodiversity is an important topic in landscape ecology, and spatial scale is key to understand true species-landscape relationships. We assessed the effect of landscape complexity on ...
Small mammal responses to farming practices in central Argentinian agroecosystems: The use of hierarchical occupancy models
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2018-11)
Organic farming is more environmentally friendly than conventional agriculture, promoting greater levels of habitat heterogeneity. Field borders could be more suitable for biodiversity in agricultural anthromes. Small ...
Relative importance of anthropogenic landscape characteristics for Neotropical frugivores at multiple scales
Frugivores are key components of Neotropical forests, regulating plant communities, forest structure, and plant diversity; however, they are highly threatened by human impacts worldwide. To effectively conserve this group, ...
Assessing global patterns in mammalian carnivore occupancy and richness by integrating local camera trap surveys
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2017-04)
Aim:Biodiversity loss is a major driver of ecosystem change, yet the ecological data required to detect and mitigate losses are often lacking. Recently, camera trap surveys have been suggested as a method for sampling local ...
Multi-season regional analysis of multi-species occupancy : implications for bird conservation in agricultural lands in East-Central Argentina
Rapid expansion and intensification of agriculture create challenges for the conservation of biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. In Argentina, the total row crop planted area has increased in recent decades ...
Species niches, not traits, determine abundance and occupancy patterns: A multi-site synthesis
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2019-11-10)
Aim Locally abundant species are usually widespread, and this pattern has been related to properties of the niches and traits of species. However, such explanations fail to account for the potential of traits to determine ...
Habitat characterization, occupancy and detection probability of the Endangered and endemic Junin giant frog Telmatobius macrostomus
(Inter Research, 2017)
The Junin giant frog Telmatobius macrostomus (Peters, 1873) is an Endangered and endemic frog in the central Andes of Peru. However, no quantitative ecological data exist to facilitate characterization of T. macrostomus ...