Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 373
Portable MP3 player as low-cost data logger
Non-audio signals have been recorded in the flash ROM memory of a portable MP3 player, in WAV format file, to examine the possibility of using these cheap and small instruments as general-purpose portable data loggers. A ...
Portable MP3 player as low-cost data logger
(Imeko, 2009-01-01)
Non-audio signals have been recorded in the flash ROM memory of a portable MP3 player, in WAV format file, to examine the possibility of using these cheap and small instruments as general-purpose portable data loggers. A ...
Portable MP3 player as low-cost data logger
(Imeko, 2009-01-01)
Non-audio signals have been recorded in the flash ROM memory of a portable MP3 player, in WAV format file, to examine the possibility of using these cheap and small instruments as general-purpose portable data loggers. A ...
Portable MP3 player as low-cost data logger
(Imeko, 2014)
Registrador de sinais analógicos usando MP3 player portátil com entrada para voz
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2015)
Registrador de sinais analógicos usando MP3 player portátil com entrada para voz
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2015)
Registrador de sinais analógicos usando MP3 player portátil com entrada para voz
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2008-04-28)
Neste trabalho se propôs a utilização do MP3 player portátil para gravação de sinal nãoáudio em sua memória, utilizando-se seu recurso para gravação de voz. Para avaliar a proposta, retirou-se o microfone de eletreto do ...
Parallelization of a Multipartite Graph Matching Algorithm for Tracking Multiple Football Players
This work describes the parallel methodology for a football tracking algorithm based on multipartite graphs using MPI and OpenMP. The proposed algorithm use a consumer-producer scheme to overlap the computing time of the ...
The Game Understanding in Football 5-A-Side
(Univ Fed Rio Grande Do Sul, Escola Educ FisicaPorto AlegreBrasil, 2011)