Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 105
Seasonal influence and local factors affecting macroinvertebrate structure in a high-altitude Andean stream
(Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2020-06)
Small water bodies are critical for maintaining freshwater biodiversity, but are among the least investigated of aquatic environments. We examined physical and chemical variables at two reaches in Arroyo Tambillos, a small, ...
Short spatial and temporal scale patterns of fish assemblages in a subtropical rainforest mountain stream
(Taylor & Francis, 2014)
The fish fauna of a subtropical mountain stream in Argentina was surveyed for the first time. The abundance and occurrence of species were explored considering variation in hydrology, seasonality and the abiotic environment. ...
Succession of algal communities in headwaters: a comparison of pine afforested and natural grassland streams
(Springer Tokyo, 2017-05)
We evaluated changes in the succession process in benthic algal communities of an afforested stream by comparing them with those in a grassland stream through analysis of temporal changes in composition, structure and ...
Weathering assessment in the Achala Batholith of the Sierra de Comechingones, Córdoba, Central Argentina. III: Appraising chemical weathering
(Springer Verlag, 2018-03)
La Trucha is a small (~ 1.9 km2), mountainous (~ 1300 m a.s.l.) granitic drainage basin, demonstrative of hundreds of second-order basins in the Achala Batholith of the Sierras Pampeanas of Córdoba, Argentina. Dominated ...
Littoral crustaceans in mountain lakes of Huerquehue National Park (38 degrees s, Araucania Region, Chile)
Growth rates of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) reared in the field differed under contrasting temperatures
(John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2021-08)
Aquatic insect growth is tightly linked to environmental temperature. Growth rate tends to increase with rising temperatures. Growth rate integrates different factors related to population fitness, being partly responsible ...
Composition and structure of aquatic insect assemblages of Yungas mountain cloud forest streams in NW ArgentinaComposición y estructura de asociaciones de insectos acuáticos de arroyos de selva nublada de Yungas del NO Argentino
(Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 2007-12)
Treinta y tres ambientes lóticos en las selvas nubladas de montaña de las Yungas del NO Argentino, fueron muestreados tanto en ambientes no modificados como alterados por actividades humanas. Insectos acuáticos de 143 ...
Rainfall intensity-duration thresholds for bedload transport initiation in small Alpine watersheds
Although channel discharge represents one of the primary controls of bedload transport rates in mountain streams, it is rarely measured in small, steep catchments. Thus, it is often impossible to use it as a predictor of ...