Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 25
Hawaiian and Strombolian style monogenetic volcanism in the extra-Andean domain of central-west Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2006-11)
In the provinces of Mendoza and La Pampa (central-western Argentina), retroarc volcanism was active from the Miocene through historic times. There are approximately 40 basaltic eruptive centers between 36°S and 37°30′S to ...
Geomorphology, morphometry, spatial distribution and ages of mafic monogenetic volcanoes of the Peinado and Incahuasi fields, southernmost Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes
(Elsevier Science, 2020-09-01)
The back-arc southern Puna region (south of ~24°S) in the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes contains hundreds of Miocene to Quaternary mafic monogenetic volcanoes roughly distributed in several volcanic fields. Analysis ...
Quaternary volcanism in the Yura Monogenetic Field near Arequipa city, southern Peru
(Frontiers MediaCH, 2022-09)
Arequipa (Peru) is an area where volcanic activity has been persistent during the Quaternary. Studies carried out in this area have highlighted the emplacement of ignimbrite deposits, large volcanic clusters and stratovolcanoes. ...
Payenia volcanic province in the Southern Andes: An appraisal of an exceptional Quaternary tectonic setting
(Elsevier Science, 2011-04)
The Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes has a Quaternary basaltic province along the retroarc which has a unique tectonic setting. The Payenia volcanic province covers an area larger than 40,000km2 between 33°30' and 38° ...
Eruptive history of La Poruna scoria cone, Central Andes, Northern Chile
(Springer, 2020)
New stratigraphic, lithological and petrographic analyses of La Poruna scoria cone (21 degrees 53 ' S-68 degrees 30 ' W, Central Andes, northern Chile) allow the reconstruction of the eruptive sequence of this monogenetic ...
Estilos eruptivos asociados al volcanismo monogenético máfico de la región de Pasto Ventura, Puna Austral, Argentina.Eruptive styles related to the monogenetic mafic volcanism of Pasto Ventura region, southern Puna, Argentina
(Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, 2019-05)
Uno de los rasgos más sobresalientes de la Puna Austral es el desarrollo de un volcanismo monogenético máfico durante el Neógeno-Cuaternario. Si bien existen numerosos trabajos que discuten la petrogénesis de este particular ...
Neotectónica y volcanismo monogenético cuaternario sobre el segmento central del lineamiento Calama Olacapato Toro, NO ArgentinoNeotectonics and Quaternary monogenetic volcanism above the central segment of the Calama Olacapato Toro lineament, NW Argentina
(Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2016-12)
Se describen dos secciones de depósitos cuaternarios en los alrededores de San Antonio de los Cobres en la Puna salteña que permiten relacionar la neotectónica del tramo central del lineamiento Calama - Olacapato - Toro ...
Características geológicas del Campo Volcánico Monogenético Samaná: Implicaciones en su evolución magmática
(Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y NaturalesManizalesMaestría en Ciencias de la Tierra, 2022)
Morpho-structural evolution of the Cordon Caulle geothermal region, Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile: Insights from gravity and Ar-40/Ar-39 dating
The Cordon Caulle geothermal region (40.5 degrees S) is a 13 km X 6 kin, NW-SE elongate, volcano-tectonic depression hosting numerous monogenetic volcanic centers, fumaroles, and hot-springs, most of which occur spatially ...