Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 955
International monetary system: Past, present and future (reseña)
(Centre for Indian Development StudiesIndia, 2016)
International Monetary System: Past, Present and Future is an extraordinary book in which, through numerous scientific articles (papers) that were complied and edited by Dr. Debesh Bhowmik, the important issue of the ...
Different monetary systems: Costs and benefits to whom?
(Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2003)
La emisión es el problema
(Universidad de Belgrano . CENE Centro de Estudios de la Nueva Economía, 2013-11-12)
Cada mes, el Banco Central inyecta en el sistema un
promedio de 5200 millones de pesos. al crecer la base
monetaria, aumenta la cotización del dolar
Monetary policy in Argentina: seigniorage and Bailey's curve 2001-2014
Governments usually do not admit they are causing inflation deliberately. They try to take advantage of this situation, promoting populist actions. They issue money to fund increasing spending on subsidies and transfers, ...
La hiperinflación develada
Autoregressive vectors and the identification of monetary policy shocks in ArgentinaVectores autoregresivos e identificación de shocks de política monetaria en Argentina
(Instituto de Economía y Finanzas. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidada Nacional de Córdoba., 2004)
Foreign debt and the creation of the monetary and banking system in the "era of Trujillo" in 1947La deuda exterior y la creación del sistema monetario y bancario en la "era de Trujillo" en 1947
(Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), 2010)
Monetary policy and transmission mechanism in Brazil: an empirical model
(Empirical Economics, 2018)
Exchange rate measures: who judges the issue-IMF or WTO?
(Oxford Univ Press, 2015-03)
This article aims at adding to the debate on the impacts of exchange rate misalignment on trade. It is the continuation of an article-The Missing Link between the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Monetary ...
Legal regulation of cryptocurrency in the Russian Federation
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)