Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 132
Why our brains cherish humanity: Mirror neurons and colamus humanitatemWhy our brains cherish humanity: Mirror neurons and colamus humanitatem
(Universidad del Rosario, 2009)
Commonsense says we are isolated. After all, our bodies are physically separate. But Seneca’s colamus humanitatem, and John Donne’s observation that “no man is an island” suggests we are neither entirely isolated nor ...
A neurocognitive approach to recovery of movement following stroke
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2015)
Homuncular mirrors: misunderstanding causality in embodied cognition
(Frontiers, 2014-05)
Emerging theories on embodied cognition have caused high expectations, ambitious promises, and strong controversies. Several criticisms have been explained elsewhere (Mahon and Caramazza, 2008; Cardona et al., 2014) and ...
Play, but not observing play, engages rat medial prefrontal cortex
(Wiley, 2020)
Rats have elaborate cognitive capacities for playing Hide & Seek. Playing Hide & Seek strongly engages medial prefrontal cortex and the activity of prefrontal cortex neurons reflects the structure of the game. We wondered ...
Las neuronas espejo : presupuesto fisiológico de la empatía emocional y de las conductas sociales y morales en primates humanos y no humanosMirror neurons : physiological requirement for emotional empathy and social and moral behaviour of human and nonhuman primates
(Universidad Nacional de QuilmesUniversidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2018-04-01)
A partir de la evidencia científica y los análisis debidos a los estudios de investigadores como Rizzolatti, Sinigaglia, Galle-se, Goldman, Iacoboni, etc., este artículo argumenta que el vínculo entre neuronas espejo y ...
Play, but not observing play, engages rat medial prefrontal cortex
(Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, 2020)
Rats have elaborate cognitive capacities for playing Hide & Seek. Playing Hide & Seek strongly engages medial prefrontal cortex and the activity of prefrontal cortex neurons reflects the structure of the game. We wondered ...