Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 539
Correlation Between Starch Damage, Alveograph Parameters, Water Absorption and Gelatinization Enthalpy in Flours Obtained by Industrial Milling of Argentinian Wheats
(Medwell Publishing, 2003-12)
Flours obtained by industrial milling of different argentinian wheats, including flour 000, flour 0000, different milling fractions, and flour obtained with a Bühler mill, were utilized to correlate the farinograph and ...
Thermo-mechanical rice flour modification by planetary ball milling
(Elsevier Science, 2014-01)
Planetary ball milling is presented as an alternative way to improve the native flour properties by physical modification. A grinding protocol was developed by combination of grinding and pause stages. The effect of ...
Pasting behaviour of high impact ball milled rice flours and its correlation with the starch structure
(Association of Food Scientists and Technologists of India, 2018-05)
The effects of rotational speed and milling time on pasting profile, particle size and morphology, damaged starch and gelatinization enthalpy of modified rice flours were analysed by response surface methodology to investigate ...
Tool wear damage caused by abundant emulsion in milling operation of PH stainless steel
(Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas - ABCM, 2008)
Influence of low and high levels of grain defects on maize wet milling
(Elsevier B.V., 2002-12-01)
Yields and starch pasting characteristics obtained from wet milling of maize samples with low and high levels of defect grains were compared to those from sound samples. Defect grain groups ere established taking into ...
Influence of low and high levels of grain defects on maize wet milling
(Elsevier B.V., 2002-12-01)
Yields and starch pasting characteristics obtained from wet milling of maize samples with low and high levels of defect grains were compared to those from sound samples. Defect grain groups ere established taking into ...
Influence of low and high levels of grain defects on maize wet milling
(Elsevier Sci LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2002)
Influence of low and high levels of grain defects on maize wet milling
(Elsevier B.V., 2014)
Effects of the mechanical damage on the water absorption process by corn kernel
(Food Science and Technology, 2019)