Mostrando ítems 1-6 de 6
High levels of natal philopatry and no difference in reproductive success between philopatric and non-philopatric songbirds breeding in a native forests of east-central Argentina
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2020-10)
Philopatric birds have a number of advantages when breeding in familiar habitats, such as learning the locations of food, efficient movement throughout the breeding area, or effective escape from predators. However, few ...
Incubation behavior of the Masked gnatcatcher (Polioptila dumicola) in central ArgentinaComportamiento de incubación de la Tacuarita azul (polioptila dumicola) en el centro de Argentina
(Asociación Ornitológica del Plata, 2020-12)
We described parental behaviors at one nest during the incubation period of the Masked Gnatcatcher (Polioptila dumicola). The nest contained three eggs and both parents shared incubation duties for 14-15 days. The use of ...
Food Delivery Rates Increased with Forest Canopy Cover and Nestling Growth Improved with Arachnids in the Masked Gnatcatcher Polioptila dumicola
(Polish Academy of Sciences. Museum and Institute of Zoology, 2020-02)
Food resources are linked to habitat characteristics and are one of the most important forces which constrain avian life histories. Availability of food affects avian body condition and strongly determines avian breeding ...
Forest fragmentation negatively affects common bird species in subtropical fragmented forests
(Csiro Publishing, 2017-08)
Forest fragmentation threatens bird species throughout the world. Previous studies suggest that the sensitivity of bird species to forest fragmentation is related to food abundance, and that this could be a key factor in ...
The Impacts of Parasitic Flies (Philornis spp.) on Nestlings of Three Passerines in a Southern Temperate Forest of ArgentinaImpactos de las moscas parásitas (philornis spp.) en los pollos de tres paseriformes en un bosque templado de Argentina
(Sociedad Española de Ornitología, 2021-08)
Philornis flies exert strong negative selection on avian host life histories. However, their possible influence at the southern limits of parasite distribution remains poorly studied. We collected data on Philornis parasitism ...