Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 541
Volumen #12: Aplicaciones aéreas de mancozeb y concentraciones urinarias de etilentiourea (ETU) en mujeres embarazadas:
(SALTRA / IRET-UNA, 2015-04-01)
En Costa Rica, el fungicida mancozeb se aplica por vía área y de manera semanal en plantaciones de banano a gran escala (Figura 1). La toxicidad aguda del mancozeb y su principal metabolito, el etilentiourea (ETU), es baja ...
Determinação de Mancozebe em defensivos agrícolas utilizando eletrodo de diamante dopado com boro (DDB) e análise por injeção em batelada (BIA) com detecção amperométrica
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBRPrograma de Pós-graduação em QuímicaCiências Exatas e da TerraUFU, 2016)
Electrochemical Characterization of Mancozeb Degradation for Wastewater Treatment Using a Sensor Based on Poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) Modified with Carbon Nanotubes and Gold Nanoparticles
(MDPI AG, 2019)
Mancozeb is a worldwide fungicide used on a large scale in agriculture. The active component and its main metabolite, ethylene thiourea, has been related to health issues. Robust, fast, and reliable methodologies to quantify ...
Risk Characterization of children exposed to aerial sprayings of Mancozeb and ETU ‐ A case study in a banana village, Costa Rica
(Brandteknik och Riskhantering, Lunds tekniska högskola, Lunds universitet, Lund 2008, 2016)
Efeito do fosfito de potássio isolado e em mistura com fungicidas no controle da requeima do tomateiro
(Instituto Biológico, 2012-06-01)
Three trials were carried out in the greenhouse and laboratory along with others in the field with the objective to study the effect of potassium phosphite with or without fungicides on the control of Phytophthora infestans ...
Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) is the most important disease in Chilean apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) orchards where fungicide management is the main tool to control disease. Sensitivity tests to difenoconazole, fenarimol, ...
Degradação de mancozebe por ozonização e adsorção em vermiculita
Diversas evoluções tecnológicas promoveram o desenvolvimento mundial nos mais variados setores, dentre eles no setor agropecuário. A agricultura passou por inovações de suma importância nos últimos anos, dentre elas a ...
Effect of fungicides propineb and mancozeb on the nutritional status of banana plants growing under hydroponic cultureEfecto de la aplicación de los fungicidas propineb y mancozeb sobre el estado nutricional de plántulas de banano en medio hidropónico
The effect of reiterative and/or alternate application of propineb and mancozeb fungicides on the nutritional status and growth of banana seedlings produced in vitro culture was evaluated. The greenhouse experiment was ...