Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4116
Females sequential mating decisions depend on both the quality of the courting male and the quality of the potential mates in a blood-sucking bug
(Springer, 2018-09)
This study investigates whether female sequential decisions on accepting or rejecting a courting male are based exclusively on the quality of the male present or are affected by the quality of potential mates. We used ...
On the Production, Mating and Behavior of Males in Synoeca surinama (Vespidae: Polistinae: Epiponini)
(Univ Estadual Feira Santana, 2020-09-01)
In colonies of Neotropical swarm-founding wasps (Epiponini), males are thought to be produced only in periods when there are many queens present. Little information is available regarding male behavior in and out of the ...
Ejaculate allocation in Brachyura: What do males of Metacarcinus edwardsii respond to?
In polygynous species, the sperm economy hypothesis predicts that males can adjust the amount of their ejaculate during copulation in response to (1) individual traits of females according to potential female fecundity, ...
Female preference for males that have exclusively marked or invaded territories depends on male presence and its identity in the subterranean rodent Ctenomys talarum
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2018-08)
Territorial scent-marking provides chemical records of male competitive interactions that are available to females, who gain valuable information to assess and identify best quality partners. In this context, the solitary ...
A novel source of cytoplasmic male sterility in Calibrachoa pubescens
Calibrachoa pubescens is a species native from the south of Brazil, Uruguay and northeast Argentina. An accession identified as was collected at San Martín Department in Corrientes Province, Argentina and is included ...
Male sex workers: Practices, contexts, and vulnerabilities for HIV acquisition and transmission
(Elsevier, 2015)
Male sex workers who sell or exchange sex for money or goods encompass a very diverse population across and within countries worldwide. Information characterising their practices, contexts where they live, and their needs ...
Male-male competition and repeated evolution of terrestrial breeding in Atlantic Coastal Forest frogs*
Terrestrial breeding is a derived condition in frogs, with multiple transitions from an aquatic ancestor. Shifts in reproductive mode often involve changes in habitat use, and these are typically associated with diversification ...
Ecological Correlates of Roost Fidelity in the Tent-Making Bat Artibeus watsoni
Roost switching is a common occurrence in bats, yet the causes and consequences of such behavior are poorly understood. In this study we explore the ecological correlates of roost fidelity in the tent‐making bat Artibeus ...