Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 426
Sintonizador termoelétrico assistido por férmions de Majorana
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-11-30)
Nós estudamos teoricamente como o calor e a eletricidade são afetados pela sobreposição de dois férmions de Majorana (MFs, de Majorana fermions em Inglês), os quais estão isolados nas bordas de um fio topológico de Kitaev, ...
Os rapazes da Rua Panisperna e os centomila Majorana: os fatos e as versões literária e audiovisual
While a certain novel ponders about the traces left by Ettore Majorana and expounds some theories about the fate of the character mysteriously disappeared, a movie by Gianni Amelio also inspirited by facts goes through ...
A note on the path integral representation for Majorana fermions
(IOP Publishing, 2016-03)
Majorana fermions are currently of huge interest in the context of nanoscience and condensed matter physics. Different to usual fermions, Majorana fermions have the property that the particle is its own anti-particle thus, ...
Majorana neutrinos production at LHeC in an effective approach
(American Physical Society, 2015-03)
We investigate the possibility of detecting Majorana neutrinos at the Large Hadron-electron Collider, an electron-proton collision mode at CERN. We study the l+j+3jets (lj≡e,μ,τ) final states that are, due to leptonic ...
Effect of interdots electronic repulsion in the Majorana signature for a double dot interferometer
We investigate theoretically the features of the Majorana hallmark in the presence of Coulomb repulsion between two quantum dots describing a spinless double dot interferometer, where one of the dots is strongly coupled ...
Effective Majorana neutrino decay
(Springer, 2016-08)
We study the decay of heavy sterile Majorana neutrinos according to the interactions obtained from an effective general theory. We describe the two- and three-body decays for a wide range of neutrino masses. The results ...
Charge dynamics, Majorana condition and the topology of the interacting electromagnetic field
(Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM, 2017-12)
In previous works [1, 2], the 2-dimensional charge transport with parallel (in plane) magnetic field was considered from the theoretical point of view showing explicitly that the specific form of the emergent equation ...
Majorana bound states in hybrid quantum dot-topological superconducting nanowires: detection and applications
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2020-03-09)
In the last years, the seeking for Majorana quasiparticles has been one of the hottest topics in condensed matter physics, owing to its potential application for achieving fault-tolerant quantum computing pro- cesses. Such ...
Effects of Majorana physics on the UHE ντ flux traversing the Earth
(Springer, 2017-02-20)
We study the effects produced by sterile Majorana neutrinos on the ντ flux traversing the Earth, considering the interaction between the Majorana neutrinos and the standard matter as modeled by an effective theory. The ...
Not-that-heavy Majorana neutrino signals at the LHC
(IOP Publishing, 2017-12-22)
We revisit the possibility of Majorana neutrinos production at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)by studying the pp → l i + l j + + 2 jets (l j ≡ e, μ) process which, due to leptonic number violation,is a clear signature for ...