Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 65
A magnetar model for the hydrogen rich super luminous supernova iPTF14hls
(EDP Sciences, 2018)
Transient surveys have recently revealed the existence of H-rich super-luminous supernovae (SLSN; e. g., iPTF14hls, OGLE-SN14-073) that are characterized by an exceptionally high time-integrated bolometric luminosity, a ...
Simulations of light curves and spectra for superluminous Type Ic supernovae powered by magnetars
(EDP Sciences, 2019)
Numerous superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) of Type Ic have been discovered and monitored in the last decade. The favored mechanism at their origin is a sustained power injection from a magnetar. This study presents non-local ...
Correlational study between model variables and observable quantities of magnetar-powered H-rich supernovae
(Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, 2019)
Super-luminous type II supernovae powered by magnetars
(EDP Sciences, 2018-05-15)
Magnetar power is believed to be at the origin of numerous super-luminous supernovae (SNe) of Type Ic, arising from compact, hydrogen-deficient, Wolf-Rayet type stars. Here, we investigate the properties that magnetar power ...
Systematic study of magnetar-powered hydrogen-rich supernovae
(EDP Sciences, 2018-11)
Context. It has been suggested that some supernovae (SNe) may be powered by a magnetar formed at the moment of the explosion. While this scenario has mostly been applied to hydrogen-free events, it may also be possible for ...
Systematic study of magnetar-powered hydrogen-rich supernovae
(EDP Sciences, 2018)
Unifying the observational diversity of isolated neutron stars via magneto-thermal evolution models
(Oxford University Press, 2013-06)
Observations of magnetars and some of the high magnetic field pulsars have shown that their thermal luminosity is systematically higher than that of classical radio- pulsars, thus confirming the idea that magnetic fields ...
Non-Riemmanian geometry, force-free magnetospheres and the generalized Grad-Shafranov equation
(World Scientific, 2018-10)
The magnetosphere structure of a magnetar is considered in the context of a theory of gravity with dynamical torsion field beyond the standard General Relativity (GR). To this end, the axially symmetric version of the ...