Mostrando ítems 1-5 de 5
Front of unimpeded infiltrated sand moving as sediment transport through immobile coarse gravel
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2018)
A simple model for the front of unimpeded infiltrated sand, moving as sediment transport through immobile coarse gravel particles is proposed. The theoretical celerity of the front computed by the model matched the celerity ...
Decrease of streamwise mean velocity of single spheres due to presence of a sparse network of immobile bed-mounted particles
(American Society of Civil Engineers, 2020)
The transport of spheres as a bed-load through a sparse network of immobile, bed-mounted submerged cylinders was experimentally studied to quantify how the mean velocity of the spheres in the streamwise direction is altered, ...
Efecto del número de Froude densimétrico en el transporte de sedimentos
(Ciencia e Ingeniería, 2010)
Large meandering bends with high width-to-depth ratios: insights from hydro-sedimentological processes
(Elsevier Science, 2021-02)
Morphodynamics and hydro-sedimentological processes in meandering rivers are one of the most complex phenomena observed in alluvial channels. Because of the complex nature of the interaction between flow structure, morphology, ...