Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 734
Queueing Theory Books on Line
(vxcvxcv, 2006)
Location of single-server immobile facilities subject to a loss constraint
Waiting may be unacceptable, even a short time, at a facility providing a service involving medical or other emergencies. Hence, it is appropriate to locate such facilities so that the rate at which users are lost is ...
Pernambuco’s health sector: analysis of queueing problems and an economic growth model
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Engenharia de Producao, 2017)
Queue Analytics
La inminente espera en las colasThe imminent wait in the queues
(Saber-ULAVenezuela, 2018)
Beyond the mean in fork-join queues: efficient approximation for response-time tails
Fork-join queues are natural models for various computer and communications systems that involve parallel multitasking and the splitting and resynchronizing of data, such as parallel computing, query processing in distributed ...
Queue Management Mechanism for 802.11 Base Stations
(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers IncPiscatawayEUA, 2011)
Self-Employment and queues for wage work: Evidence from Chile
Self‐employment can be considered as either the result of a self‐selection process or a reflection of rigidities and skill mismatch in the labour market or both. We estimate a double selection model where individuals queue ...
Optimal location of multi-server congestible facilities operating as M/E-r/m/N queues
Most models for location of immobile congested facilities assume exponentially distributed service time at the facilities. Although the resulting formulations are tractable, they do not adequately represent service time ...