Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 78
The lysosomal stability as a biomarker for the determination of pollution in aquatic environments
(Brasil, 2008)
This work studied the effects caused by five different formulae of gasoline on the stability of the lysosomes isolated from the liver of the tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus). The functional integrity of the lysosomal ...
The iysosomal stability as a biomarker for the determination of pollution in aquatic environments
This work studied the effects caused by five different formulae of gasoline on the stability of the lysosomes isolated from the liver of the tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus). The functional integrity of the lysosomal ...
Estimation of Biodiesel Cytotoxicity by Using Acid Phosphatase as a Biomarker of Lysosomal Integrity
Biodiesel is promoted as environmentally less harmful than diesel fuel. Nevertheless its water-soluble-fraction (WSF) may contain methanol, which appears by a reversion of the transesterification reaction, when biodiesel ...
Lysosomal responses as a diagnostic tool for the detection of chronic petroleum pollution at Todos os Santos Bay, Brazil
Coastal marine environments, especially semienclosed systems such as bays, are under unrelenting stress caused by urban and industrial development. Biomonitoring plays a vital role in strategies to identify, assess, and ...
Lysosomal responses as a diagnostic tool for the detection of chronic petroleum pollution at Todos os Santos Bay, Brazil
Coastal marine environments, especially semienclosed systems such as bays, are under unrelenting stress caused by urban and
industrial development. Biomonitoring plays a vital role in strategies to identify, assess, and ...