Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 69
Dynamic evolution of European airport systems in the context of Low-Cost Carriers growth
(Journal of Air Transport Management, 2019)
Dynamic evolution of European airport systems in the context of Low-Cost Carriers growth
(Journal of Air Transport Management, 2022)
Sequential peak-load pricing: the case of airports and airlines
We investigate airport peak-load pricing using a vertical structure of airport and airlines. We find that a profit-maximizing airport would charge higher peak and off-peak runway prices and a higher peak/off-peak price ...
The use of airport charges for funding general expenditures: The case of Chile
(ELSEVIER, 2008-11)
Chile increased boarding charges for international flights to finance campaigns for promoting the country as a tourist destination and to support a 'Fight Against Poverty' fund. We present a comparative review of airport ...
Measurement of airport efficiency. The case of Colombia
Since the mid-1990s, Colombia’s main airports (including those with the highest traffic) have been privatized, transferring governance to private operators. The remaining airports in the network (the smallest ones) continue ...
Ingreso de aerolíneas low cost al mercado peruano y su impacto en las aerolíneas comerciales tradicionales de rutas nacionales, años 2015-2018
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2019-11-18)
Esta investigación titulada “Ingreso de aerolíneas low cost al mercado peruano y su impacto en las aerolíneas comerciales tradicionales de rutas nacionales, años 2015-2018” tiene como objetivo analizar el efecto de las ...
Evaluación de la eficiencia en aeropuertos privatizados
Desde a metade da década dos anos 90, e em momentos diferentes, os principais aeroportos da Colômbia foram privatizados. Daquele, é interessante conhecer, analisar e até medir a eficiência técnica dos aeroportos, no contexto ...
Análisis y evaluación, en proyección, del próximo sistema multi-aeropuerto de la ciudad de Bogotá y región
(Pregrado Ingeniería Civil, 2022-07-01)
The international airport El Dorado Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento, in the city of Bogotá is the main airport in the country, being an important HUB of passengers and cargo, both for Colombia and for the region, however, the ...
Do Low Cost Carriers Provide Low Quality Service?
(ILADES; Georgetown University; Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2014)