Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 50
Active Andean volcanism: its geologic and tectonic setting
(Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), 2004)
Middle Miocene calc-alkaline volcanism in Central Patagonia (47°S): petrogenesis and implications for slab dynamics
(Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), 2010)
Flexural modeling of the elastic lithosphere at an ocean trench: a parameter sensitivity analysis using analytical solutions
(Elsevier, 2018)
The outer rise is a topographic bulge seaward of the trench at a subduction zone that is caused by bending and
flexure of the oceanic lithosphere as subduction commences. The classic model of the flexure of oceanic ...
Middle Miocene calc-alkaline volcanism in Central Patagonia (47°S): Petrogenesis and implications for slab dynamics Volcanismo calcoalcalino durante el Mioceno Medio en Patagonia Central (47°S): Petrogénesis e implicaciones en la dinámica de placas
(Servicio Nacional de Geologia y Mineria, 2010)
We present a chronological (K-Ar), petrologic and geochemical study (major and trace elements, Sr- Nd isotopes) of Middle Miocene (ca. 16-14 Ma) calc-alkaline rocks (basalts to andesites) extruded in the present-day back-arc ...
The westward lithospheric drift, its role on the subduction and transform zones surrounding Americas: Andean to cordilleran orogenic types cyclicity
(Elsevier, 2020-07)
We investigate the effect of the westerly rotation of the lithosphere on the active margins that surround the Americas and find good correlations between the inferred easterly-directed mantle counterflow and the main ...
Imaging the transition from flat to normal subduction: variations in the structure of the Nazca slab and upper mantle under southern Peru and northwestern Bolivia
(Oxford University Press, 2016-01)
Two arrays of broad-band seismic stations were deployed in the north central Andes between 8° and 21°S, the CAUGHT array over the normally subducting slab in northwestern Bolivia and southern Peru, and the PULSE array over ...
The subduction of the Copiapó aseismic ridge, is the causing of the formation of metallic minerals deposits in north of Chile and Argentina?
(Elsevier, 2019-11)
The results obtained in this work evince that the metallic mineral deposits located in the northern region of the Chilean-Pampean flat slab (in northern Chile and north-western Argentina), at approximately 27 300 S, would ...
Contrasting P-T-t paths of basement and cover within the Búzios Orogen, SE Brazil – Tracking Ediacaran-Cambrian subduction zones
Deeply eroded collisional orogens show complex structural and inverted stratigraphic relations with juxtaposition of rock stacks from distinct crustal levels, origins and ages, hence with contrasting P-T-t paths during ...