Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2800
Spatio‐temporal rainfall variability in the Amazon basin countries (Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, and Ecuador)
(Royal Meteorological Society, 2008-09)
Rainfall variability in the Amazon basin (AB) is analysed for the 1964–2003 period. It is based on 756 pluviometric stations distributed throughout the AB countries. For the first time it includes data from Bolivia, Peru, ...
Rainfall hotspots over the southern tropical Andes: spatial distribution, rainfall intensity, and relations with large‐scale atmospheric circulation
(American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2015-05)
The Andes/Amazon transition is among the rainiest regions of the world and the interactions between large‐scale circulation and the topography that determine its complex rainfall distribution remain poorly known. This work ...
Seasonal rainfall patterns classification, relationship to ENSO and rainfall trends in Ecuador
Water is one of Ecuador's most important natural resources, whose management should rely on good information and adequate models for the water balance. Although there are many studies focusing on rainfall and temperatures, ...
Assessment of satellite-based rainfall products using a x-band rain radar network in the complex terrain of the ecuadorian andes
Ground based rainfall information is hardly available in most high mountain areas ofthe world due to the remoteness and complex topography. Thus, proper understanding of spatio-temporal rainfall dynamics still remains a ...
The influence of Atlantic High on seasonal rainfall in Argentina
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2019-04)
The objective of this work is to quantify the influence of the position and intensity of the Atlantic High (AH) on seasonal rainfall in Argentina. Monthly precipitation data in 68 stations from the National Meteorological ...
Large-scale circulation patterns and related rainfall in the Amazon Basin: a neuronal networks approach
(Springer, 2011-02-11)
This study describes the main circulation patterns (CP) in the Amazonian Basin over the 1975–2002 period and their relationship with rainfall variability. CPs in the Amazonian Basin have been computed for each season from ...
Variations of rainfall Rhythm in Alto Pardo watershed, Brazil: Analysis of two specific years, a wet and a dry one, and their relation with the river flow
This research aims to understand the variability and rhythm of rainfall for two specific standard-years, and their relation with the river flow of the Alto Pardo watershed, located in southeastern Brazil, and thus identify ...
Parsimonious rainfall-runoff model construction supported by time series processing and validation of hydrological extremes – part 2: intercomparison of models and calibration approaches
An intercomparison of different approaches for the construction and calibration of lumped conceptual rainfall-runoff models is made based on two case studies with unrelated meteorological and hydrological characteristics ...
Basin-scale analysis of rainfall and runoff in Peru (1969–2004): Pacific, Titicaca and Amazonas drainages
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2012-06)
According to the Peruvian agricultural ministry, the Pacific watersheds where the great cities and intense farming are located only benefit from 1% of the available freshwater in Peru. Hence a thorough knowledge of the ...