Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 105
Implications of longitudinal ridges for the mechanics of ice-free long runout landslides
The emplacement mechanisms of long runout landslides across the Solar System and the formation mechanisms of longitudinal ridges associated with their deposits remain subjects of debate. The similarity of longitudinal ...
Ogmogaster heptalineatus n.sp. (Trematoda: Notocotylidae) from the Chilean sea lion Otaria flavescens
Ogmogaster heptalineatus n.sp. is described from the Chilean sea lion Otaria flavescens. Distinct characteristics of the species are: presence of 7 longitudinal ridges on the ventral surface, cirrus armed with scales, ...
Determination of controls on Holocene barrier progradation through application of OSL dating: The Ilha Comprida Barrier example, Southeastern Brazil
Barrier development during the Holocene is studied using the example of the Ilha Comprida, Southeastern Brazil. Aerial photos, facies analysis, and optically stimulated luminescence dating are used to define the barrier ...
Longitudinal dependence of two-particle momentum correlations from the hydrodynamic flow model NEXSPHERIO
(Amer Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 2011)
On some rare Oplophoridae (Caridea, Decapoda) from the South Mid-Atlantic RidgeSobre algunos Oplophoridae (Caridea, Decapoda) raros de la Cordillera Meso-Atlántica Sur
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2017)
Granular fingering as a mechanism for ridge formation in debris avalanche deposits: Laboratory experiments and implications for Tutupaca volcano, Peru
(ElsevierNL, 2018-01)
The origin of subparallel, regularly-spaced longitudinal ridges often observed at the surface of volcanic and other rock avalanche deposits remains unclear. We addressed this issue through analogue laboratory experiments ...
Evolução sedimentar holocênica do complexo de cordões litorâneos da Jureia, Iguape, SP
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019-09-12)
Os cordões litorâneos da planície costeira da Jureia incluem-se entre os mais bem preservados alinhamentos de cordões do litoral sul do estado de São Paulo, porém, são pouco estudados sob os aspectos sedimentológico e ...
Seed micromorphology and its taxonomic significance to Xyris (Xyridaceae, Poales)
The seed micromorphology was studied in eight species of Xyris (Xyridaceae) with taxonomic purposes. The results show that the presence of longitudinal endotegmic ridges in the seed coat is a pattern for the genus and that ...
Cambios dimensionales en los rebordes alveolares post exodoncia en pacientes atendidos en el centro de Salud Militar – Rimac en el año 2013
(Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, 2016-10-18)
El presente trabajo de investigación reporta los resultados de la influencia del paso del tiempo post exodoncia en el reborde alveolar en los pacientes atendidos en el Centro de Salud Militar Rímac en el año 2013.
El ...
Reinterpretation of Malvinoconularia cahuanotensis (Braniša and Vaněk) from the Devonian Altiplano and Western Andean Cordillera, Bolivia, South America
The holotype of Malvinoconularia cahuanotensis (Braniša and Vaněk) (Devonian, Bolivia), the type species of the monospecific genus Malvinoconularia Babcock et al., is redescribed and refigured. M. cahuanotensis exhibits ...