Now showing items 1-10 of 1279
Loneliness in Older Chilean People: Importance of Family Dysfunction and Depression
Loneliness is considered a public health problem that negatively affects wellbeing, especially in the older population. In Latin-American countries, most of the older population live with their family. Although this is ...
The effect of cognitive functioning and affects on the loneliness of elderly people
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of general cognitive functioning and positive and negative affects on loneliness in the elderly people and to analyze the mediating effect of positive affects on ...
A Comparative Study of Loneliness in Older Adults Based on Place of Residence in Indonesia
(Academia Nacional de Medicina venezolana., 2022)
Loneliness as a mediator variable between parenting and coping in adolescence
(Bentham Science Publishers, 2016)
The objectives of this article are to analyse: 1) the relation between dimensions of the adolescent perception of parental relationship with them to adolescent functional / dysfunctional coping; 2) the relation between ...
Loneliness as a Potential Mechanism of the Association Between Ageism and Mental Health Outcomes in the Chilean Context
The negative impact of ageism on the mental health of older persons has been well studied, but the mechanisms underlying this relationship have not been explored in detail. The present study examines the relationship of ...
Income inequality and its relationship with loneliness prevalence: A cross-sectional study among older adults in the US and 16 European countries
(Public Library of Science, 2022-12)
Backgrounds The prevalence of loneliness increases among older adults, varies across countries, and is related to within-country socioeconomic, psychosocial, and health factors. The 2000–2019 pooled prevalence of loneliness ...
Pornography Use and Loneliness in Adolescents
The use of pornography in adolescents and its possible consequences is still the subject of scientific debate. It has been observed that about 20% of adolescents access pornography involuntarily, the average age of access ...
Aging and loneliness: Implications from building the notion of risk Velhice e solidão: Implicações a partir da construção da noção de risco Vejez Y Soledad: Implicancias A Partir De La Construcción De La Noción De Riesgo
(Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud, 2015)
© 2015, Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud. All rights reserved. Population aging implies specific challenging when looking for the wellbeing of elderly. Loneliness is an issue of increase relevance in research and ...
Victims of Cyberbullying: Feeling Loneliness and Depression among Youth and Adult Chileans during the Pandemic
In Chile, during the COVID-19 pandemic, reports of cyberbullying victimization increased for adolescents and younger adults. Research has shown that cyber-victims—adolescents and young
adults alike—are at greater risk for ...
Ajuste diádico y soledad en parejas adultas limeñasDyadic adjustment and loneliness adult couples in Lima
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2021)