Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 14
Determinación de precios y diseño de paquetes utilizando logit multinomial restringido : caso aplicado a telecomunicaciones
El documento presenta un modelo de optimización para el diseño de paquetes y fijación de precios utilizando logit multinomial restringido para la estimación de la demanda, estos paquetes son dirigidos a múltiples segmentos ...
Design of a location and transportation model including quality of service using constrained multinomial logit
Con el propósito de diseñar un modelo de transporte y localización integrados, deben ser consideradas variables intangibles de los individuos puesto que, dichas variables afectan el proceso de toma de decisiones de los ...
Design of a location and transportation model including quality of service using constrained multinomial logit
Con el propósito de diseñar un modelo de transporte y localización integrados, deben ser consideradas variables intangibles de los individuos puesto que, dichas variables afectan el proceso de toma de decisiones de los ...
Willingness-to-pay for reducing fatal accident risk in urban areas: an Internet-based Web page stated preference survey
Contemporary transport project evaluation requires the ability to value reductions in the number of estimated fatal and non-fatal accidents after project implementation. In this quest, we designed a stated preference (SP) ...
Confidence intervals to bound the value of time
The derivation of a subjective value of time (SVT) requires finding the marginal rate of substitution between travel time and cost in a travel choice model. In the typical case of models with linear-in-parameters utility ...
A semi-compensatory discrete choice model with explicit attribute thresholds of perception
Random utility models are typically based on the assumptions that individuals exhibit compensatory behaviour and that their choice sets are pre-specified. These assumptions may be unrealistic in many practical cases; in ...
Valuing reductions in environmental pollution in a residential location context
A stated preference ranking experiment is designed to estimate the willingness-to-pay (WTP) for reducing the amount of atmospheric pollution in a group-based residential location context. Important issues are the proper ...
Forecasting vs. observed outturn: Studying choice in faster inter-island connections
Passenger demand and, in particular, mode choice between the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife has experienced important changes in the last decade. In 2005 the jetfoil, which had been the dominant mode for many years, ...
Valuing noise level reductions in a residential location context
Although noise levels in urban areas frequently surpass the designated norms the consequences on health are only beginning to be examined. A stated preference experiment is used to estimate the willingness-to-pay for ...