Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 286
Facing the high-dimensions: inverse projection with radial basis functions
(ElsevierAmsterdam, 2015)
Multidimensional projection has become a standard tool for visual analysis of multidimensional data sets, as
the 2D representation of multidimensional instances gives an important and informative panorama of the
data. ...
LoCH: a neighborhood-based multidimensional projection technique for high-dimensional sparse spaces
(ElsevierAmsterdam, 2015-02)
On the last few years multidimensional projection techniques have advanced towards defining faster and user-centered approaches. However,most of existing methods are designed as generic tools without considering particular ...
An Approach to Perform Local Analysis on Multidimensional Projection
In the context of Visualization, Multidimensional Projection techniques are employed to show similarity relations among instances of a multidimensional dataset. Distinct projection techniques use different approaches to ...
Graph-based measures to assist user assessment of multidimensional projections
(ElsevierAmsterdam, 2015-02)
Multidimensional projections are valuable tools to generate visualizations that support exploratory analysis of a wide variety of complex high-dimensional data. However, projection mappings obtained from different techniques ...
Efecto del gasto público municipal en la pobreza multidimensional de la provincia de Quispicanchi, período 2007-2019
(Universidad Andina del CuscoPE, 2021-12-10)
Durante la última década, el gobierno central ha realizado transferencias monetarias
cuantiosas a los gobiernos locales como parte de un proceso de descentralización fiscal;
sin embargo, no se han observado reducciones ...
Experiences and Participatory Tools for Evaluation of Sustainability of Local Development Projects
(European Center of Sustainable Development, 2015-10)
The Sustainability measuring is the strongest conducting force for the discussion of Sustainable Development (SD). A reliable measuring tool is a prerequisite for the assessment sustainability the processes, alternatives ...
Efecto del gasto público municipal en la pobreza multidimensional de la provincia de Quispicanchi, período 2007-2019
(Universidad Andina del CuscoPE, 2022)
Escalamiento multidimensional sobre datos mezclados usando algoritmos genéticos
(Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, 2013)
Escalamiento multidimensional sobre datos mezclados usando algoritmos genéticos
(Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, 2013)
La pobreza multidimensional: una mirada desde el microterritorio y las comunidades locales. Estudio de caso: barrio San Agustín, Bogotá D.C.
(Universidad del RosarioGestión y Desarrollo Urbanos EkísticaFacultad de Ciencia Política y Gobierno, 2017)
The present graduation project, which is based on the analysis of the neighborhood San Agustin, Bogota D.C., as study object, part of the process that requires comprehension of territories here and now, in order to facilitate ...