Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 27
Null models for understanding fairy shrimp habitats
(BRILL, 2017)
An island biogeography approach for understanding changes in compositional similarity at present scenario of biotic homogenization
(ELSEVIER, 2011)
Local extinction of native species and colonization of non-native species are commonly invoked as responsible for changes in species similarity among biotas of different regions. In this study we used a model of species ...
Were human-introduced diseases the responsible for Pleistocene-Holocene megafaunal extinctions?: First evidence from South America
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2021-04)
Diverse hypotheses have been proposed with the aim to explain the extinction of Late Pleistocene/Holocene mammals, including the Megafauna from America. Some authors support that human being was the direct responsible of ...
Host-parasitoid persistence over variable spatio-temporally susceptible habitats: bottom-up effects of ephemeral resources
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2012)
Dinámica temporal y espacial de una comunidad de aves en un gradiente altitudinal de la Cordillera Volcánica Central de Costa Rica, vertiente Caribe
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá - Facultad de Ciencias - Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, 2017-07-01)
La conservación y manejo de la biodiversidad requieren evaluaciones precisas del número y dinámica de las especies en las comunidades. Se estimó la riqueza de aves a 100, 200, 400 y 500 m en el transecto Volcán Barva - La ...
Exotic species modify the functional diversity patterns of freshwater fish assemblages in continental Chile: Examining historical and geographical patterns
(Elsevier, 2020)
The Neotropical region is an important reservoir of functional diversity of freshwater fish in the world. Recent studies have shown that functional and taxonomic diversity in this region has increased as a consequence of ...
Phylogeography of screaming hairy armadillo Chaetophractus vellerosus: Successive disjunctions and extinctions due to cyclical climatic changes in southern South America
(Public Library of Science, 2018-01)
Little is known about phylogeography of armadillo species native to southern South America. In this study we describe the phylogeography of the screaming hairy armadillo Chaetophractus vellerosus, discuss previous hypothesis ...