Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5575
Using the local gas-phase oxygen abundances to explore a metallicity dependence in SNe Ia luminosities
We present an analysis of the gas-phase oxygen abundances of a sample of 28 galaxies in the local Universe (z < 0.02) hosting Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). The data were obtained with the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope. ...
Abundance ratios of red giants in low-mass ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal galaxies
(EDP SCIENCES, 2016-04)
Context. Low-mass dwarf spheroidal galaxies are key objects for our understanding of the chemical evolution of the pristine Universe and the Local Group of galaxies. Abundance ratios in stars of these objects can be used ...
Predicting occupancy and abundance by niche position, niche breadth and body size in stream organisms
The regional occupancy and local abundance of species are thought to be strongly correlated to their body size, niche breadth and niche position. The strength of the relationships among these variables can also differ ...
Local abundance and regional distribution of tree species of forest fragments in Brazil: A test of models
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2001)
Chemical abundances of giant stars in the Crater stellar system
Aims. We obtained spectra for two giants of Crater (Crater J113613-105227 and Crater J113615-105244) using X-Shooter at the VLT, with the purpose of determining their radial velocities and metallicities.
Abundance and diversity of small-bird assemblages in the Monte desert, Argentina
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2005-12)
Assemblages of small bird species (o90 gbody mass) from the Monte desert in Argentinawere studied to analyze spatial and temporal variation in abundance and species richness.Mean species richness was higher during breeding ...