Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 20238
The road to live programming: Insights from the practice
(IEEE Computer Society, 2018)
Live Programming environments allow programmers to get feedback instantly while changing software. Liveness is gaining attention among industrial and open-source communities; several IDEs
offer high degrees of liveness. ...
Live programming in practice: A controlled experiment on state machines for robotic behaviors
(Elsevier B.V., 2019)
© 2018 Context: Live programming environments are gaining momentum across multiple programming languages. A tenet of live programming is a development feedback cycle, resulting in faster development practices. Although ...
The rise and fall of live online music event consumption during the pandemic: an analysis from the perspective of practice theoryEl auge y la decadencia del consumo de lives musicales durante la pandemia: un análisis desde la perspectiva de la teoría de la prácticaA ascensão e decadência do consumo de lives musicais durante a pandemia: uma análise sob o prisma da teoria da prática
(Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas da Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2022)
Being a Roman Catholic in a context of religious diversity. A «lived religion» exploration among Catholics in Córdoba, Argentina
(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2017-12)
From a lived religion approach, the Authors explore how Catholics and ex-Catholics from Córdoba, Argentina, conceive 'being Catholics', and how they react to the plurality of religious options in their everyday lives. The ...
Sexualidades em negociação: a pornografia live streaming no CAM4.com
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2016-08-30)
This Master's theses focuses on the negotiations on CAM4, a live streaming pornography website. This type of pornography consists of sharing live sexual activities over a webcam with the possibility of interaction between ...
Sexualidades em negociação: a pornografia live streaming no CAM4.com
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2016-08-30)
This Master's theses focuses on the negotiations on CAM4, a live streaming pornography website. This type of pornography consists of sharing live sexual activities over a webcam with the possibility of interaction between ...
Living Well and Health Practices among Aymara People in Northern Chile
The current Chilean health model seeks to promote health equity among indigenous peoples by means of state intercultural health programs. As implemented regionally, these have been widely criticized as depoliticizing ...