Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 23411
Science and revolution in the Monti's and Alfieri's poetry
(Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, 2014-07-01)
We intend to investigate the vision of the French Revolution and the Science in the Vincenzo Monti's and Vittorio Alfieri's poems. Finally, we will analyze the books Bassvilliana, wrote by Monti, and Rime, by Alfieri.
Heisenberg and Bohr in the sight of Frayn and VolpiHeisenberg y Bohr en la mira de Frayn y Volpi
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2014)
Ciência e revolução nas poesias de Monti e de Alfieri
We intend to investigate the vision of the French Revolution and the Science in the Vincenzo Monti's and Vittorio Alfieri's poems. Finally, we will analyze the books Bassvilliana, wrote by Monti, and Rime, by Alfieri.
Literatura Universal
(Universidad de Belgrano. Programas de las Materias - Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales - Carrera de Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Comunicación, Plan 2012)
1. Las fuentes. El conocimiento de las fuentes de los más importantes “modos de producción” de textos escritos, desde la antigüedad a nuestros días.
2. Los puentes. La narrativa periodística es a su vez el ...
Fear and abyss: two figures of power
(Michigan State University, 2017)
Les Particules Élémentaires: An Exercise in OptimismLes particules élémentaires: Un ejercicio de optimismo
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2016)
Creativity and science in contemporary argentine literature : between romanticism and formalism
In British and North American literature since the 1960s, models and the-
ories from mathematics and science – incompleteness, uncertainty, entropy,
chaos, and complexity – have most often been put to use in forging ...
(Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Filosofia Letras & Ciencias Humanas, 2019-07-01)
Professor Antonio Candido (1918-2017) was, as a few people in Brazil were, a confirmed humanist, who applied his principles to everything he had done as a professor, thinker and political activist. Strictly speaking, all ...
Opening science and innovation: Opportunities for emerging economies
Open innovation allows partnerships between business through knowledge sharing. The mission of open science is to encourage information sharing about academic research. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the ...