Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 38
Aspectos de la teoría de nudos
Los nudos, tal cual aparecen en nuestra vida cotidiana, son un objeto de estudio en la Matemática. La Teoría de Nudos es la rama de la Matemática que se encarga de su estudio. Un problema central es el de poder decir si ...
Link and knot invariants from non-abelian Yang-Baxter 2-cocycles
(World Scientific, 2016-11)
We define a knot/link invariant using set theoretical solutions (X,σ) of the Yang-Baxter equation and non-commutative 2-cocycles. We also define, for a given (X,σ), a universal group Unc(X) governing all 2-cocycles in X, ...
Link and knot invariants from non-abelian Yang–Baxter 2-cocycles
(World Scientific, 2016-11)
We define a knot/link invariant using set theoretical solutions (X, σ) of the Yang-Baxter equation and non commutative 2-cocycles. We also define, for a given (X, σ), a universal group Unc(X) governing all 2-cocycles in ...
Standards for teachers in training: critical knotsLos estándares para docentes en formación: nudos críticos
(Centro de Informacion Tecnologica, 2024)
Helicity, topology, and Kelvin waves in reconnecting quantum knots
(American Physical Society, 2016-04)
Helicity is a topological invariant that measures the linkage and knottedness of lines, tubes, and ribbons. As such, it has found myriads of applications in astrophysics, fluid dynamics, atmospheric sciences, and biology. ...
Theoretical Study Of Molecular And Electronic Structures Of 5(1) Knot Systems: Two-layered Oniom Calculations
Eigenproblems in timber structural elements with uncertain properties
(Springer, 2016-07)
A stochastic model of sawn timber structural elements of Argentinean Eucalyptusgrandis is applied to the study of two eigenproblems. One is the free vibrations problem which, after being solved, yields the natural frequencies ...
Braid solutions to the action of the Gin enzyme
(World Scientific Publishing Co, 2010)