Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 877
Linguistic ideology and the ‘correct’ use of language in Camilo Ortúzar’s Diccionario manual de locuciones viciosas (1893)
(Taylor & Francis, 2017)
The present study describes the beliefs and attitudes which undergird the Chilean priest Camilo Ortuzar's notions of correct and incorrect language use in his Diccionario manual de locuciones viciosos (1893), and how those ...
(Univ Federal Santa Catarina, Nucleo Traducao, 2019-09-01)
This article presents results from a study on hybrid linguistic norms in translated articles from New York Times made available on UOL website. According to Faraco (2008) and Bagno (2012), there is a difference between ...
A recepção do Curso de Linguística Geral nos manuais de linguística brasileiros: um acontecimento discursivo
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Linguística - PPGL, 2015-02-19)
The 1940s is marked by a significant interest in the history of the portuguese language providing for themselves the moment of eruption of the Brazilian linguistic. Although there were already before this period of study, ...
Co-occurrence of phonological traits in orthographic replacement of sonorant phonemes
Purpose: This short presentation aims to indicate phonological features inherent to the sonorant consonant class (nasals and liquids) that might be relatively problematic in the orthographic records of these phonemes. ...
Linguistic ideology and the 'correct' use of language in Camilo Ortuzar's Diccionario manual de locuciones viciosas (1893)
The present study describes the beliefs and attitudes which undergird the Chilean priest Camilo Ortuzar's notions of correct and incorrect language use in his Diccionario manual de locuciones viciosos (1893), and how those ...
Improving supervised learning classification methods using multi-granular linguistic modelling and fuzzy entropy
Obtaining good classification results using supervised learning methods is critical if we want to obtain a high level of precision in the classification processes. The training data used for the learning process plays a ...
O passado da língua no cinema: Um estudo diacrônico do pretérito perfecto na variedade bonaerense
The lack of research on diachronic study of porteño Spanish and reports about the history of the pretérito perfecto simple (PPS) and pretérito perfecto compuesto (PPC) uses in Argentina highlight the importance of this ...
Linguistic Variation or Copyist Error?
(Univ Navarra, 2016)
This article, embedded in the field of Philology -with an historical approach and a linguistic viewpoint-and in the history of the Spanish language, discusses the acceptability of the examples presented as copyist errors ...
Manual do professor, muito prazer em (re)conhecê-lo! Uma análise sociorretorica do gênero
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da LinguagemLinguística Aplicada; Literatura Comparada, 2014-03-14)