Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 308
Bayesian inference in spherical linear models: robustness and conjugate analysis
The early work of Zellner on the multivariate Student-t linear model has been extended to Bayesian inference for linear models with dependent non-normal error terms, particularly through various papers by Osiewalski, Steel ...
Existência de solução para um problema elíptico envolvendo o expoente crítico de Sobolev
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilMatemáticaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em MatemáticaCentro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas, 2020-03-27)
This work presents a study on the existence or not of a solution for the following elliptical
problem with Sobolev’s critical exponent
����� u = u2 �����1 + f(x; u) in
u > 0 in
u = 0 on @
An existence result for a linear-superlinear elliptic system with Neumann boundary conditions
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier ScienceSan DiegoEUA, 2006)
A local symmetry result for linear elliptic problems with solutions changing sign
(Elsevier Masson, 2011-04-02)
We prove that the only domain Ω such that there exists a solution to the following problem in Ω, on ∂Ω, and , for a given constant c, is the unit ball , if we assume that Ω lies in an appropriate class of Lipschitz domains.
The sub-supersolution method for weak solutions
(Amer Mathematical SocProvidenceEUA, 2008)
Bayesian analysis of the calibration problem under elliptical distributions
In this paper we discuss calibration problems under dependent and independent elliptical family of distributions. In the dependent case, it is shown that the posterior distribution of the quantity of interest is robust ...
Multiple solutions for an elliptic system near resonance
(Academic Press/ElsevierSan Diego, 2014-12-15)
We consider an elliptic system with linear part depending on two parameters and a sublinear perturbation. We obtain the existence of at least two solutions when the linear part is near resonance. The system is associated ...
Approximate controllability of a semilinear elliptic problem with robin condition in a periodically perforated domain
(Texas State University, 2017)
In this article, we study the approximate controllability and home-genization results of a semi-linear elliptic problem with Robin boundary condition in a periodically perforated domain. We prove the existence of minimal ...
An application of the local influence diagnostics to ridge regression under elliptical model
(Taylor & Francis IncPhiladelphiaEUA, 2007)