Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 46
Pre-expansivity in cellular automata
(Elsevier, 2020)
We introduce the notion of pre expansivity for cellular automata (CA): it is the property of being positively expansive on asymptotic pairs of configurations (i.e. configurations that differ in only finitely many positions). ...
Alternation on cellular automata
(ELSEVIER, 1997-06-10)
In this paper we consider several notions of alternation in cellular automata: non-uniform,
uniform and weak alternation. We study relations among these notions and with alternating
Turing machines. It is proved that the ...
Modelling The Mssg In Terms Of Cellular Automata
(Springer Int Publishing AGCham, 2016)
This paper exposes a procedure for modeling and solving linear systems using continuousvalued cellular automata. The original part of this work consists on showing how the
cells in the automaton may contain both real values ...
Surjective multiband linear cellular automata and Smith's normal formAutómatas celulares sobreyectivos multibanda y la forma normal de Smith
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2009)
Dynamics of Automata under different update schedules.
In this thesis our main interest is focused specically on the dynamics of cellular automata. Dynamics will be addressed by the invariance of the automaton, and in some cases invariance will be addressed by its reversibility. ...
Attractiveness of the Haar measure for linear cellular automata on Markov subgroups
(Denteneer, D.Den Hollander, F.Verbitskiy, E.Institute of Mathematica Statistics, 2006)
For the action of an algebraic cellular automaton on a Markov subgroup, we show that the Ces`aro mean of the iterates of a Markov measure converges to the Haar measure. This is proven by using the combinatorics of the ...
Attractiveness of the Haar measure for linear cellular automata on Markov subgroups
For the action of an algebraic cellular automaton on a Markov subgroup, we show that the Cesàro mean of the iterates of a Markov measure converges to the Haar measure. This is proven by using the combinatorics of the ...
Linear Models For The Self-shrinking Generator Based On Ca
(Old City Publishing IncPhiladelphia, 2016)
Modelling The Shrinking Generator In Terms Of Linear Ca
(Amer Inst Mathematical Sciences-AimsSpringfield, 2016)