Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 97
Evolution of density perturbations in decaying vacuum cosmology: the case of nonzero perturbations in the cosmological term
(Brasil, 2008)
We extend the results of a previous paper where a model of interacting dark energy, with a cosmological term decaying linearly with the Hubble parameter, is tested against the observed mass power spectrum. In spite of the ...
Dark energy parametrizations and their effect on dark halos
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2006-07-01)
There are a plethora of dark energy parametrizations that can fit current supernovae Ia data. However, these data are only sensitive to redshifts up to order one. In fact, many of these parametrizations break down at higher ...
Dark energy parametrizations and their effect on dark halos
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2006-07-01)
There are a plethora of dark energy parametrizations that can fit current supernovae Ia data. However, these data are only sensitive to redshifts up to order one. In fact, many of these parametrizations break down at higher ...
Inflationary perturbations in anisotropic, shear-free universes
In this work, the linear and gauge-invariant theory of cosmological perturbations in a class of anisotropic and shear-free spacetimes is developed. After constructing an explicit set of complete eigenfunctions in terms of ...
Dark energy parametrizations and their effect on dark halos
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2014)
Structure formation in the presence of dark energy perturbations
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2007-11-01)
We study non-linear structure formation in the presence of dark energy. The influence of dark energy on the growth of large-scale cosmological structures is exerted both through its background effect on the expansion rate, ...
Structure formation in the presence of dark energy perturbations
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2007-11-01)
We study non-linear structure formation in the presence of dark energy. The influence of dark energy on the growth of large-scale cosmological structures is exerted both through its background effect on the expansion rate, ...
Structure formation in the presence of dark energy perturbations
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2014)
Boltzmann hierarchies for self-interacting warm dark matter scenarios
(IOP Publishing, 2020-09)
We provide a general framework for self-interacting warm dark matter (WDM) in cosmological perturbations, by deriving from first principles a Boltzmann hierarchy which retains certain independence from a particular interaction ...
Self-interacting dark matter in cosmology: Accurate numerical implementation and observational constraints
(IOP Publishing, 2021-10)
This paper presents a systematic and accurate treatment of the evolution of cosmological perturbations in self-interacting dark matter models, for particles which decoupled from the primordial plasma while relativistic. ...