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Zapf Office System
Planos copia de: Support light 5FT ZTL3 with shelf - Support light 6PT TL3 under OHS - Hanger light for Zapf task lighting ZFL 1 & 2 30” - Body liner W/ light clips for Zapf shelf light - Plate end liner Zapf light shelf ...
On- and off-shelf diving effort of juvenile elephant seals from Pennsula Valds determined by light loggers
(Alliance Communications Group Division Allen Press, 2011-08)
The shallow Patagonian Shelf off Pennsula Valds limits the dive depth of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) to <100 m, an unusual circumstance for this deep-diving species. Beyond the shelf water depths of >1,000 ...
Effect of a continuous flow-through pulsed light system combined with ultrasound on microbial survivability, color and sensory shelf life of apple juice
(Elsevier, 2016-04)
The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of a continuous flow-through pulsed light system (PLc, 0.73 J/cm2, 155 mL/min, EEO: 1.8 × 103-4.1 × 103 kW·h/m3/order) single or combined with ultrasound (US, 30 min, EEO: ...
Effects of high hydrostatic pressure on the overall quality of Pêra-Rio orange juice during shelf life
The effect of high hydrostatic pressure on antioxidant activity, total phenolic compounds, physicochemical characteristics, color, pectin methylesterase activity, and microbiological count were evaluated during the shelf ...
The Distribution of Herbivorous Coral Reef Fishes within Fore-reef Habitats: the Role of Depth, Light and Rugosity
(Caribbean Journal of Science, Vol. 45, No. 2-3, 247-253, 2009, 2014)