Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 475
Atmospheric close approaches with the Earth considering drag and lift forces
A maneuver called “Aero-Gravity Assisted” is known in the literature to increase the energy gains given by a close approach between a spacecraft and a planet using the atmosphere of the planet. In a sequence of studies ...
Nitrogen Charge Temperature Prediction in a Gas Lift Valve
(Abcm Brazilian Soc Mechanical Sciences & EngineeringRio De Janeiro RjBrasil, 2010)
Aerodynamic simulation of a blimp kind unmanned aerial vehicle for stable environmental conditions
An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle blimp kind
prototype for stable environmental conditions is shown in
this paper. The lift, drag, weight, and thrust parameters are
analyzed on the basis of the Archimedes principle, Bernoulli
and ...
Using low Lift-to-Drag spacecraft to perform upper atmospheric Aero-Gravity Assisted maneuvers
(Elsevier, 2022-05-21)
The Gravity Assisted Maneuver has been applied in lots of space missions, to change the spacecraft heliocentric velocity vector and the geometry of the orbit, after the close approach to a celestial body, saving propellant ...
Effective force area and discharge coefficient for reed type valves: A comprehensive data set from a numerical studySurface de force utile et coefficient de décharge pour les soupapes à lamelles multiples: Un ensemble complet de données tirées d'une étude numérique
Radial diffusers have been used as valve model to determine effective force area and discharge coefficient of the flow. A comprehensive data set of these parameters is lacking in the literature. Here, we present numerical ...
Determination of the instantaneous forces on flapping wings from a localized fluid velocity field
(American Institute of Physics, 2011-11)
Expressions are derived to relate the instantaneous pressure force on a flapping wing to the velocity field on a plane at the trailing edge and on a highly localized region around and near the wing, valid when the vortex ...
Análise numérica da estabilidade lateral de vigas pré-moldadas de concreto com seção transversal assimétrica em içamentoNumerical analysis of lateral stability of precast concrete girders with asymmetric cross section during lifting
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil, 2020)
Effects of linear versus nonperiodized resistance training on isometric force and skeletal muscle mass adaptations in sarcopenic older adults
The aim of this study was to compare the effects of linear periodization (LP) versus nonperiodized (NP) resistance training on upper-body isometric force and skeletal muscle mass (SMM) in sarcopenic older adults. Twenty ...
Motion of a free cylinder inside a rotating water-filled drum
(Amer Inst Physics, 2015)
We report experimental results on the motion and levitation of a freely to-move heavy cylinder,
of constant diameter and varying mass, inside a water-filled drum rotating around its horizontal
axis. The resulting flow ...