Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 1296
Estimación de customer lifetime value a nivel de clientes usando variables socio-demográficas y transaccionales
(Universidad de ChilePrograma Cybertesis, 2006)
(SPRINGER, 2011)
Semi-empirical weighted oscillator strengths (gf) and lifetimes presented in this work for all experimentally known electric dipole P XII spectral lines and energy levels were computed within a multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock ...
Weighted oscillator strengths and lifetimes for the Si II spectrum
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2005)
Estimación de Customer Lifetime Value Mediante Técnicas Supervisadas de Data Mining en una Empresa de Retail
(Universidad de Chile, 2007)
El presente trabajo de titulo tiene como objetivo utilizar técnicas de data mining para
determinar una metodología que permita estimar el lifetime value de los clientes de un
supermercado mayorista. El comportamiento ...
Lifetimes and transition probabilities of Xe II: Experimental measurements and theoretical calculations
(Springer, 2000-03)
In this work we make an experimental and theoretical investigation of transition probabilities (A) and lifetimes (τ ) of Xe II. Eighteen Aij ’s corresponding to the 6p–6d array were measured using a Laser Produced Plasma ...
Mapping Long-Term Natural Orbits about Titania, a Satellite of Uranus
Close polar and circular orbits are of great interest for the exploration of natural satellites. There are still no studies in the literature investigating orbits around Titania, the largest satellite of Uranus. In this ...
Lifetime maps for orbits around Callisto using a double-averaged model
The present paper studies the lifetime of orbits around a moon that is in orbit around its mother planet. In the context of the inner restricted three-body problem, the dynamical model considered in the present study uses ...
Weighted oscillator strengths and lifetimes for the S XIV spectrum
(SpringerNew YorkEUA, 2009)