Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 174
Studying the lifetime of orbits around Moons in elliptic motion
The main goal of the present paper is to study the lifetime of orbits around moons that are in elliptic motion around their parent planet. The lifetime of the orbits is defined as the time the orbit stays in orbit around ...
Lifetime maps for orbits around Callisto using a double-averaged model
The present paper studies the lifetime of orbits around a moon that is in orbit around its mother planet. In the context of the inner restricted three-body problem, the dynamical model considered in the present study uses ...
Influence of nonsphericity of planetary satellites and perturbation of the third-body on the artificial satellites motion
Some orbital characteristics of lunar artificial satellites is presented taking into account the perturbation of the third-body in elliptical orbit and the non-uniform distribution of mass of the Moon. We consider the ...
Influence of nonsphericity of planetary satellites and perturbation of the third-body on the artificial satellites motion
Some orbital characteristics of lunar artificial satellites is presented taking into account the perturbation of the third-body in elliptical orbit and the non-uniform distribution of mass of the Moon. We consider the ...
Mapping Long-Term Natural Orbits about Titania, a Satellite of Uranus
Close polar and circular orbits are of great interest for the exploration of natural satellites. There are still no studies in the literature investigating orbits around Titania, the largest satellite of Uranus. In this ...
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2012-10-01)
Low-altitude, near-polar orbits are very desirable for scientific missions to study the natural satellites of the planets of the Solar System, such as Europa, that is one of the natural satellites of Jupiter. The problem ...
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2012-10-01)
Low-altitude, near-polar orbits are very desirable for scientific missions to study the natural satellites of the planets of the Solar System, such as Europa, that is one of the natural satellites of Jupiter. The problem ...
Mapeamento de órbitas em torno de luas do sistema solar
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021-04-08)
Esse trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a estabilidade de órbitas em torno de diversos satélites naturais do Sistema Solar. Considerando que o sistema foi normalizado, utilizamos o problema de três corpos (P3C) e ...
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2014)