Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 437
Grupos de Lie compactosCompact Lie groups
([s.n.], 2011)
The Lie algebra of derivations of a current Lie algebra
(Taylor & Francis, 2019-09)
Let K be a field of characteristic zero, g be a finite dimensional K-Lie algebra and let A be a finite dimensional associative and commutative K-algebra with unit. We describe the structure of the Lie algebra of derivations ...
Álgebras de Lie, grupos de Lie e espaços girovetoriais de Lie
(BrasilDepartamento de MatemáticaPrograma de Pós-Graduação em MatemáticaUEMMaringá, PRCentro de Ciências Exatas, 2019)
Lie algebroids arising from simple group schemes
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2017-10)
A classical construction of Atiyah assigns to any (real or complex) Lie group G, manifold M and principal homogeneous G-space P over M, a Lie algebroid over M ([1]). The spirit behind our work is to put this work within ...
Curvaturas de métricas invariantes em Grupos de Lie
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBRPrograma de Pós-graduação em MatemáticaCiências Exatas e da TerraUFU, 2016)
Lie properties of symmetric elements in group rings
Let * be an involution of a group G extended linearly to the group algebra KG. We prove that if G contains no 2-elements and K is a field of characteristic p, 0 2, then the *-symmetric elements of KG are Lie nilpotent (Lie ...
Reduction and reconstruction of multisymplectic Lie systems
A Lie system is a non-autonomous system of first-order ordinary differential equations describing the integral curves of a non-autonomous vector field taking values in a finite-dimensional real Lie algebra of vector fields, ...
Álgebras de Lie, grupos de Lie e aplicações a teoria de ações de semigrupos
(BrasilDepartamento de MatemáticaPrograma de Pós-Graduação em MatemáticaUEMMaringá, PRCentro de Ciências Exatas, 2019)
Universal Poisson Envelope for Binary-Lie Algebras
In this article the universal Poisson enveloping algebra for a binary-Lie algebra is constructed. Taking a basis B{double-struck} of a binary-Lie algebra B, we consider the symmetric algebra S(B) of polynomials in the ...