Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 106
Serological survey of Toxoplasma gondii in captive Neotropical felids from Southern Brazil
Toxoplasma gondii is the causative intracellular protozoan of toxoplasmosis in human being and animals. Members of the Felidae family are considered the single definitive host for the infection; both wild and domestic cats ...
Serological survey of Toxoplasma gondii in captive Neotropical felids from Southern Brazil
Toxoplasma gondii is the causative intracellular protozoan of toxoplasmosis in human being and animals. Members of the Felidae family are considered the single definitive host for the infection; both wild and domestic cats ...
Primer registro de presencia del gato montés, Leopardus geoffroyi, en la reserva natural Bahía Blanca, Bahía Falsa, Bahía Verde (RNBBBFBV), provincia de Buenos Aires
(Asociación Conservacionista del Sur Tellus, 2012-11)
Se comunica el hallazgo de un individuo muerto de la especie Leopardus geofroyi en la Reserva Natural BBBF y BV y los resultado de su necropsia, constituyendo este el primer registro de la especie para dicha reserva
Activity pattern of Geoffroy's cats (Leopardus geoffroyi) during a period of food shortage
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2010-09)
The activity pattern of mammalian carnivores is influenced by several factors, including environmental conditions, interference from competitors, and behavioral thermoregulation. Facing extreme environmental conditions the ...
Food habits of Geoffroy's cat (Leopardus geoffroyi) in the central Monte desert of Argentina
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2008-06)
Geoffroy's cat (Leopardus geoffroyi) is a little-known South American felid. Here we report the first detailed data on its seasonal food habits in a protected area of the central Monte desert, Argentina. We collected and ...
Dos nuevos registros de Leopardus geoffroyi y Puma yagouaroundi (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) en el oeste de la AgentinaTwo new records of Leopardus geoffroyi y Puma yagouaroundi (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) in west of Argentina
(Fundación de Historia Natural Félix de Azara, 2017-10)
Se presentan dos nuevos registros de félidos, uno de gato montés (Leopardus geoffroyi) y uno de yaguarundí (Puma yagouaroundi) en el oeste de la Argentina, provincias de La Rioja y Catamarca, respectivamente. Los registros ...
Characteristics of defecation sites in the Geoffroy’s cat Leopardus geoffroyiCaracterísticas de los sitios de defecación del gato montés Leopardus geoffroyi
(Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos, 2009-12)
Little is known about the use of feces in scent marking by small wildcats. We analyzed the characteristics of 357 Geoffroy’s cat, Leopardus geoffroyi, defecation sites in five protected areas of Argentina. Defecation sites ...
Food Habits of Geoffroy´s Cat in Agroecosystem Habitats of Buenos Aires, ArgentinaHábitos alimentarios del gato montés (Leopardus geoffroyi) en agroecosistemas de Buenos Aires, Argentina
(Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2016-03)
La abundancia del gato montés (Leopardus geoffroyi), un pequeño felino silvestre sudamericano, se ha reducido principalmente por la destrucción de su hábitat y por la caza. En la Argentina, la mayoría de los estudios sobre ...