Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 156
Aspectos legais e éticos na implantodontia
There are few studies that evaluate the legal aspects, consent forms and ethical considerations facing implantology. This paper reviews and discusses the most important criteria in relation to the care of patients needing ...
Professional Profile, Legal Obligations, And Conduct Of Orthodontists In Terms Of Litigation Prevention
A Responsabilidade Socioambiental na Formação Acadêmica
Health professionals should be concerned with the waste generated by their activities, and develop specific abilities and skills since graduation, requiring the same conscious positioning and willingness to collaborate in ...
Sostenibilidad ambiental: Gestión de residuos odontológicos en el Servicio PúblicoSustentabilidade ambiental: Gerenciamento de resíduos odontológicos no Serviço Público
Introduction: medical waste is a serious problem for both society and the environment, and knowledge about its proper management is essential for the training of health care professionals. Objective: evaluate knowledge ...
Social and Environmental Responsibility in Academic Education
(Centro Univ Sao Camilo, 2015-01-01)
Health professionals should be concerned with the waste generated by their activities, and develop specific abilities and skills since graduation, requiring the same conscious positioning and willingness to collaborate in ...
Use of the explicit health guarantee of oral health care for pregnant women at a family health center, concepción, chile, 2014–2015 [Zastosowanie programu gwarancji dla zdrowia jamy ustnej w opiece nad kobietą w ciąży w rodzinnym centrum zdrowia w concepción, chile, w latach 2014–2015]
(Wroclaw Medical University, 2018)