Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 987
Medical Law: Perú
(Kluwer Law InternationalNL, 2003)
Infecção hospitalar--aspectos éticos.
The author focuses the question of hospital infection, analysing the background on which the control committees were created. The hospital infection is discussed under bioethical principles and the Medical Ethics Code, ...
Infecção hospitalar--aspectos éticos.
The author focuses the question of hospital infection, analysing the background on which the control committees were created. The hospital infection is discussed under bioethical principles and the Medical Ethics Code, ...
Critical analysis of the regulations regarding the disposal of medication waste
Expired or unused medication at people's homes is normally disposed of in normal garbage, sewage system or, in certain cases, returned to the public health system. There is still no specific legislation regarding this ...
Derecho médico peruano: doctrina, legislación & jurisprudencia
(GrijleyPE, 2006)
El Derecho Médico es una nueva forma de estudiar jurídicamente las consecuencias del desarrollo, aplicación y práctica de las ciencias de la salud en el ser humano. Esta rama en el conocimiento jurídico viene enraizando ...
Análise dos aspectos legais das prescrições de medicamentos
This article describes a survey of prescriptions dispensed in drugstores and pharmacies in the city of Araraquara in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in May 2006. Their contents were assessed for compliance with the laws ...
Sci-Hub and medical practice: an ethical dilemma in Peru
(Elsevier, 2016)
Sci-Hub is a pirate repository of scientific papers launched in 2011, and currently hosts more than 46 million articles. Thousands of people use this repository every day to access information, reaching more than 200 000 ...