Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2084
The relevance of transactional frames for structuring legal transitionsLa relevancia del encuadre para la articulación de transiciones legales
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales., 2022)
Regulation of Transit Issues: Multilateral International Treaties and National Law
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
International Criminal Law, Transnational Criminal Organizations and Transitional Justice
Parties negotiating the end of authoritarian regimes or armed conflicts are almost inevitably left in a situation of legal uncertainty. Despite their overlapping scope of application, the differences between the approaches ...
Notes from the Field: Monitoring Human Rights Trials: Information Strategies Developed in Argentina’s Transitional Justice Process
(University of Western Ontario, 2016-03)
Although the role of local Human Rights Organizations (HROs) has attracted some attention in the transitional justice literature, this note from the field examines an under-studied HRO strategy: the production and ...
Judicial truth in transitional justice processes: A legal seal in the case of land restitution in Colombia
Transitional justice systems are adopted around the world to seek and make a transition from the systematic violation of rights to a civil and democratic life. Truth, including that which is constructed through judicial ...
Legitimidad contra legalidad. Los dilemas de la transición jurídica y el estado de derecho en MéxicoLegitimacy versus legality. The dilemmas of legal transition and the rule of law in Mexico
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, 2018)
Transitional Justice 'From Within': Police, Forensic And Legal Actors Searching For Chile's Disappeared
This article offers an empirically grounded, practitioner-focused analysis of the present-day search for Chile's dictatorship-era disappeared. It treats this search as a transitional justice process within which rights and ...
Network Effects of Demographic Transition
Traditional human societies use two of biology’s solutions to reduce free-riding: by collaborating with relatives, they rely on the mechanism of kin-selection, and by forming highly clustered social kin-networks, they can ...