Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 286
Caracterización estructural del sistema de ledges y clavos mineralizados del sector Cachinalito, mina El Guanaco, Región de Antofagasta, ChileStructural characterization of ledge system and ore shoots from Cahinalito sector, El Guanaco mine, Antofagasta region, Chile
(Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, 2020-09)
El yacimiento de oro El Guanaco es un depósito epitermal de alta sulfuración ubicado en la franja metalogénica paleocena-eocena inferior, en la región de Antofagasta, norte de Chile, 215 km al SE de la ciudad de Antofagasta. ...
LEDges: nova técnica de inspeção visual automática para detecção em tempo-real de irregularidades em bordas
(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2014)
Stratification of the low-latitude and near-equatorial F2 layer, topside ionization ledge, and F3 layer: What we know about this? A review
(Hindawi, 2012-02-06)
A large number of researches have been devoted to the formation of additional layers in the F region of the equatorial ionosphere, first of which has been published in 1940s. Originally the occurrence of such layer was ...
Collaborative ethnographic methods: dismantling the ‘anthropological broom closet’?Métodos etnográficos colaborativos: ¿Un desmantelamiento del “armario de escobas”?
(Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, 2020)
Fusing Interesting Topics in the WebFusing interesting topic in the Web
(Facultad de Ingeniería, 2009)