Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1942
Kinetics of cupric leaching of pyrite in 4 M NaCl solutions Cinétique de la lixiviation cuivrique de la pyrite dans des solutions de NaCl 4M
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)
Cupric chloride leaching is an attractive alternative for the treatment of pyritic refractory gold ores. In this context, the kinetics of pyrite dissolution was studied in cupric chloride solutions containing 4 M NaCl. ...
Potassium Leaching as Affected by Soil Texture and Residual Fertilization in Tropical Soils
(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2010-01-01)
Potassium (K) leaching is affected by soil texture and available K, among other factors. In this experiment, effects of soil texture and K availability on K distribution were studied in the presence of roots, with no excess ...
Physical and chemical transformations of gangue materials during leaching of copper sulphides, and their influence on copper leaching kinetics
(South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2017)
© The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2017. This work reports preliminary results from investigations of the chemical and physical transformations of gangue materials during ferric leaching of a copper ...
Leaching of Ni and Cu from mine wastes (tailings and slags) using acid solutions and A. ferrooxidans
The objective of this work is to evaluate the acidic and biological leaching of tailings containing Ni/Cu from a flotation and smelting plant. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, strain LR, was used for bioleaching at pH 1.8 ...
Leaching of Ni and Cu from mine wastes (tailings and slags) using acid solutions and A. ferrooxidans
The objective of this work is to evaluate the acidic and biological leaching of tailings containing Ni/Cu from a flotation and smelting plant. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, strain LR, was used for bioleaching at pH 1.8 ...
Dynamic simulation of the carbon-inpulp and carbon-in- leach processes
(Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2007)
Carbon-in-leach and carbon-in-pulp are continuous processes that use activated carbon in a cascade of large agitated tanks, which have been widely used to recover or concentrate precious metals in gold extraction plants. ...
(Univ Federal Vicosa, 2018-01-01)
Biosolids are residues from the treatment of urban fluids used as a source of nutrients for agricultural and forestry crops. The organic matter contained in this residue and its chemical characteristics may interfere with ...
Lixiviação convencional e lixiviação assistida por ultrassom de elementos terras raras a partir de fosfogesso
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilQuímicaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em QuímicaCentro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas, 2023-02-28)
Rare earth elements (REE) are a group of elements with very similar physical and chemical
properties. They include the 15 elements of the lanthanide series (La–Lu), Y, and Sc. The
need for these elements in different ...