Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12
Variable sex-specific mortality due to shorebird predation on a fiddler crab
(National Research Council Canada-NRC Research Press, 2003-07)
Male fiddler crabs compete for access to mates mainly by displaying an enlarged claw. One cost of this large claw is presumed to be higher exposure to predators. The fiddler crab Uca uruguayensis is used as a food source ...
(Fundación de Historia Natural Félix de Azara, 2014)
Las centollas están entre los artrópodos más grandes del mundo, con ejemplares de tamaño extremo de más de 1,5 m de apertura entre patas y más de 10 kg de peso. Su gran tamaño les valió, entre varios apelativos, el nombre ...
Crustáceos decápodos de agua dulce de Colombia
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias NaturalesSede BogotáBogotá, 2014)
Esta obra científica tiene el importante valor de reseñar especies de crustáceos decápo- dos claves en la dieta alimenticia de algunas comunidades locales y por ende importan- tes desde el punto de vista económico; también, ...
Les animaux marins
(ZonaClic, 2016)
Les animaux marins
(ZonaClic, 2013)
The diets of four Bathyraja skates (Elasmobranchii, Arhynchobatidae) from the Southwest Atlantic
(Soc Francaise D Ichtyologie, 2014-12)
The diet of four Bathyraja species (B. cousseauae, B. griseocauda, B. multispinis and B. scaphiops) was studied in the Southwest Atlantic. Main preys of B. cousseauae were teleosts, followed by isopods and amphipods. Isopods ...
Factors affecting individual foraging behavior in a threatened seabird: Olrog’s gull (larus atlanticus) as a case study
(National Research Council Canada-NRC Research Press, 2021-05-26)
The analysis of feeding strategies in animals is one of the most important topics in foraging ecology. The individual’s foraging behavior depends on both the individual’s own actions and the behavior of other foragers. ...
Benthic microalgal communities in the inner part of the Bahía Blanca estuary (Argentina): a preliminary studyCommunautés microalgales benthiques dans la partie intérieure de l’estuaire de la Bahía Blanca (Argentine) : étude qualitative préliminaire
(Elsevier SAS, 2002-12)
The intertidal zone of the inner part of the Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina is characterised by the presence of muddy tidal flats and salt marshes, habitats for burrowing crabs and halophytic plants. The surface layer of ...
Morphological maturity of the knobbed spider crab, Leurocyclus tuberculosus (H. Milne Edwards & Lucas, 1842) (Brachyura, Majidae) in the Northern Patagonian Gulfs
(Brill Academic Publishers, 2009-03)
Sexual maturation in brachyurans has three different components: physiological, morphological, and functional. The second is visualized by examining changes in the morphometric relationships between some dimensions of the ...